The Boundaries You Didn’t Know You Needed

We can see physical boundaries everywhere in life: this is my country, this is my house, this is my side of the bed, that’s my vibrator. You get the idea, […]
hello world!
Marisa Grieco
September 3, 2021

We can see physical boundaries everywhere in life: this is my country, this is my house, this is my side of the bed, that’s my vibrator. You get the idea, but we rarely talk about our spiritual or energetic boundaries—what I like to call our little “cocoon.” Most of us don’t even know this space exists, let alone that we have the power to control it. That’s where the magic happens, my friend!

In this post, we're going to learn what your spiritual boundary is and how to create one. Because if we want to thrive in this chaotic world, we need to protect our energy and learn how to draw those invisible lines. So, let’s dive in.

Before Boundaries: The Soup of Life

Before I started this spiritual journey, I had no concept of boundaries. Heck, I’m Italian! We function and live in a giant bowl of soup—minestrone, to be exact. In my family, we feel everything. We sense each other’s moods, predict everyone’s next move, and live in this collective energy field. The only time I ever saw anyone establish a boundary was when they were pissed off. Then the walls would go up, and no one was getting in—or out. But come dinnertime, the walls would crumble, and we’d all get back to our happy place. Because, let’s be honest, who wants to waste a fantastic meal in a crappy mood?

In some ways, living like this can feel very fulfilling. You’re never alone, and that can be comforting. It’s especially satisfying when everyone’s having a good time—laughing, gossiping, playing cards, and, of course, planning the next meal. But here’s the thing: when someone in the “soup” starts sinking to the bottom, we all feel it. And that’s when things can go south.

That’s why creating spiritual and energetic boundaries is so essential. It’s a game changer! Instead of feeling like you’re getting pulled down into someone else’s drama, you can remain the sturdy potato or carrot in the soup. You don’t have to be the soggy pea at the bottom of the bowl! (Okay, okay, enough with the soup metaphors.)

Watch My Video About Boundaries You Didn’t Know You Needed

Take a moment to watch my video here about Boundaries You Didn’t Know You Needed.. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

What Exactly Are Spiritual Boundaries?

So, what are spiritual boundaries? Think of them as your invisible force field—a shield made of light that helps you contain your energy and keep unwanted vibes out. These boundaries aren't just about keeping people away, though. They allow you to maintain your emotional balance, even when the world around you is swirling with chaos.

It’s like saying “no” energetically, without having to say a word. Imagine how powerful that is! When you establish these boundaries, you get to control what you let in and what you keep out. You’ll no longer feel overwhelmed by other people's emotions, their bad moods, or even their gossip.

Step 1: Tune Into Your Own Energy

The first step to creating spiritual boundaries is becoming familiar with your own energy. How can you set boundaries if you don’t even know what your energy feels like? Here’s how to get started:

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Sit down, relax, and take a few deep breaths. Release any tension in your body. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is to tune into your own frequency.
  2. Meditate: Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow your awareness to drop into your body, and notice how you feel. Do you sense any tingling, warmth, or even colors in your mind’s eye? This is your energy.
  3. Scan Your Body: Imagine scanning your body, starting from your feet and moving up through your chakras. Check each energy center to see if anything feels “off” or if you notice someone else's energy lurking there. (It happens!)

For example, let’s say I’m focusing on my root chakra at the base of my spine, and suddenly, I see an image of my nosy neighbor (who’s always asking for favors). Well, she’s not supposed to be there! Time to clear that energy out.

Step 2: Purge Unwanted Energies

Once you’ve identified that someone else’s energy has crept into your field, it’s time to purge. I like to imagine the energy as a gray mist. Visualize that mist leaving your body, flowing out of your energy field, and dissolving into nothing. Continue this process until you feel lighter and brighter.

Repeat this with all your chakras, from root to crown. Once you’re clear, it’s time to bring in some good vibes.

Step 3: Call in Your Own Energy

Now that you’ve cleared out any energetic intruders, it’s time to fill yourself up with your own light. Imagine a beautiful, golden light pouring in through the top of your head, filling every inch of your body. Let this light radiate out into your aura, creating a glowing cocoon around you. This is your energetic boundary—your safe space.

I like to take it a step further and imagine an object just outside my aura. It could be anything—a tree, a crystal, or even a piece of jewelry. This item acts as a visual reminder of where my energy ends and someone else’s begins.

Step 4: Maintain Your Boundaries Without Fear

I prefer to think of this process as boundary-setting rather than protection. When I focus on protection, it feels like I’m expecting an attack. That’s not how I want to live my life! Setting a boundary, on the other hand, comes from a place of empowerment. It’s about containing your own energy, not living in fear of what’s out there.

Tips for Strengthening Your Spiritual Boundaries

  1. Daily Energy Cleansing: Make energy cleansing part of your daily routine. Just like brushing your teeth, it’s essential to keep your aura sparkling clean. Try a quick meditation or visualization every morning to clear out any lingering energy from the day before.
  2. Mantras and Affirmations: Repeat a mantra or affirmation to strengthen your boundaries. I love saying, “I am light, I am whole, I am protected.” It helps keep my energy focused and aligned.
  3. Physical Boundaries Help Too!: Sometimes, we need physical boundaries to support our energetic ones. If you find yourself overwhelmed in a crowded space or around certain people, don’t hesitate to take a step back or politely excuse yourself. You’re allowed to have space, both physically and energetically.
  4. Ground Yourself: Grounding is key to keeping your boundaries intact. When you feel frazzled or scattered, plant your feet on the earth (or imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the ground). This keeps you centered and helps to reinforce your boundaries.

Embrace Your Cocoon of Light

Creating spiritual boundaries allows you to stay centered and aligned with your true self, no matter what’s happening around you. Remember, you are not your thoughts, your emotions, or your body—you are pure light, and your energy deserves to be protected and nurtured.

If you’re looking for more support or want to dive deeper into energy work, check out my guided meditations and worksheets available on my website. They’re free for anyone in my mystical membership, and they’re a great way to start establishing your boundaries with ease.

Until next time, I’m Marisa Grieco, your mystical guide. Shine on!

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About the Author:

Marisa Grieco is the creator of Your Mystical Guide and host of a popular Youtube show about energy healing, mindfulness, and the path to a better life. Her work focuses on identifying and releasing old programs that prevent us from reaching our true potential
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