How to Protect Your Energy Field

Negativity can affect your energy field and but you can make it bright and shiny again when you clean it.
hello world!
Marisa Grieco
April 5, 2021

We’ve talked about how negativity can affect your energy field and how you can make it bright and shiny again when you clean it. So now, let’s talk about how you can prevent it from getting damaged and dirty altogether.

With the holidays coming up, you know that there are going to be a lot of trips to a crowded mall, a lot of parties, and a lot of family and friends time. And even if you don’t have a crazy passionate  family like mine (I love you all, I promise!), it can really wipe you out.

Visualize a pure white light flowing all over you. It starts at the top of you head and flows all the way down through each energetic point in your body. Visualize this white light washing away any low frequencies that no longer serve you - anything that is not giving you the chance to bring in positive feel good ones.

Here are 3 Simple Tricks to Protect Your Energy Field.

Trick #1: Shielding.

Imagine a loving layer of white light surrounding your body. Make sure your intention is to protect your energy field and ask the universe or your guides to help you. With practice, this can be as strong as a brick wall. (maybe add a moat around your brick wall if you’re having an especially bad day or walking into somewhere you know that’s going to drive you crazy.) You may have to do this several times a day. It only takes a few seconds so don’t let the bad vibes in.

Tip #2: Visualization

Visualize a pure white light flowing all over you. It starts at the top of you head and flows all the way down through each energetic point in your body. Visualize this white light washing away any low frequencies that no longer serve you - anything that is not giving you the chance to bring in positive feel good ones.

Tip #3: Crystals

Crystals can be a great way to ward off negativity. It’s all in your intention, I let my crystals know how I want them to protect me. Especially because I usually forget to do the top two tricks. Try an amethyst or a smoky quartz crystal and see if you can feel the difference.

I also think it’s important to give yourself permission to SET BOUNDARIES. No, they’re not just for the bedroom, though those are important too. You know that friend who always just complains? Think about the feeling you get when you go to lunch with her. Before you even get there, you’re bracing yourself for whatever drama she’s going to share. And by the time you leave, her negativity is weighing heavier on you!

Watch My Video About Protecting Your Energy Field with Your Mystical Guide

Take a moment to watch my video here about Protecting Your Energy Field with Your Mystical Guide. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

So next time you’re in this situation or even going into a house full of your in-laws, tell yourself that you’re not going to let anyone else bring you down. Create that boundary and set limits so that you decide what you’re going to feel. If you know that you can only handle two hours there before you’re ready to hide in the closet with a bottle of wine, then fake an emergency at that two-hour mark.

I know it can be especially hard for sensitive people to say no or back away from being the shoulder that everyone cries on, but you need to take care of you too!

Want to learn more? Check out the next section of the “Hands of Light” book. There’s a ton of information in here that might be particularly useful with the holidays coming up. Don’t have it? Get it here.

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About the Author:

Marisa Grieco is the creator of Your Mystical Guide and host of a popular Youtube show about energy healing, mindfulness, and the path to a better life. Her work focuses on identifying and releasing old programs that prevent us from reaching our true potential
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