I know, I know. You have more than enough to clean - your house, your kids, your husband… Trust me, I get it. But our energy fields are constantly changing and interacting with those around us. We must clean them as well. Since I have a pretty busy schedule, I don’t always remember to centre myself or put a shield of white light around my body. And, if you're sensitive, like most psychics, you will pick up other people's thoughts and emotions better than a lint brush at a dog shelter. It’s draining, and it leaves your energy field less than sparkling. It can even lead to negative self-talk and that unbalanced feeling that can make you doubt yourself. We don’t need more of that.
So it’s time for a little spring cleaning… no bleach required.
Take a moment to watch my video here about How to clean your energy field. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂
Here are a few of my favorite tips to keep my energy field clean:
Dissolve about a cup of sea salt in your bath water, sit back and relax. Who knew cleaning could be so easy? Take it a step further and say a mantra or do a meditation to focus your energy on your intention—resetting your energetic field. And you don’t need the fancy, expensive kind. I use Dr. Teal’s Epsom salts from the grocery store.
Burning sage, aka smudging, has been used for centuries to cleanse the air and auras. I like to make a circle around myself and say “If this is not mine, please take it away.” Say it aloud or if you’re feeling bashful, think it to yourself. But I promise, the more you do this, the more comfortable you’ll be.
Sunshine naturally purifies your energy so taking a walk will do you good. Even better? Take a walk in nature. Find a lake, beach, or forest and feel your good vibes rise. But remember, get out of your head. Connect to the beauty of nature and leave any negative feelings outside.
No, not "that" groove. You know how you smile the second your favorite song comes on? Well, press play and start dancing. Movement is a great way to clear up your energy field. I’m giving you permission to be that crazy person singing at the top of your lungs in the car next to you.