How to Connect to your Earth Star Chakra

Do you ever feel like your brain is so full that you're about to explode? As if the simplest things seem to feel like they are moving farther and farther away from you?
hello world!
Marisa Grieco
August 25, 2021

Do you ever feel like your brain is so full that you're about to explode? As if the simplest things seem to feel like they are moving farther and farther away from you? You're not going crazy -- okay maybe a little - but aren’t we all? This feeling, this sense of bewilderment, just might be your Earth Star Chakra. It could be clogged. Stay with me and in this post, I’m gonna show you how to clear, connect and reactivate this chakra. 

I don't know about you, but recently I found myself walking into rooms and forgetting why I even went in there. Or I put my phone down or my keys somewhere, and suddenly, I can't figure out where I put them. I start to feel overwhelmed. My emotions, anxieties, my frustrations all start bubbling up. And I even have physical sensations. My knees and hips are sore, I’m bumping into things. I know, it sounds like a combination of ADD, old age, and day drinking. But it’s not. I discovered that my earth star chakra was blocked. And when I cleared it, a lot of this went away.

If any of this resonates with you, it might be that your earth star chakra is disconnected, blocked, or just simply underused. Let me share what I did to connect and activate this earth star chakra -- as soon as I find where I put my coffee. 

First, what the hell is the Earth Star Chakra and why might I just be hearing about this for the first time? Well, it's probably because you're ready!

The earth star chakra is actually not located in your physical body but around 6 to 12 inches below your feet, in the etheric realm (the first or lowest layer in the "human energy field" or aura. It is said to be in immediate contact with the physical body, to sustain it and connect it with "higher" bodies). 

The Earth Star chakra helps you to ground your entire chakra system and your energetic light bodies into the planet. I know! Who knew?

Activating this chakra creates the strongest foundation for you to properly lift and connect with your higher self and the higher dimensions. It is so powerful that it has its own magnetic force that pulls down these higher frequencies into your light body. As you expand energetically and surrender your old ways of being, whether that's an old belief, an old program, or simply other people's energy you will become brighter. The brighter you become, the more in sync you become with the natural heartbeat of the Earth, and the faster you will manifest your dreams. So start to get clear on your intentions and release your old baggage, cause it doesn’t serve you anymore. Baby things are gonna speed up- energy, vibration, and frequency determine everything.

Watch My Video About Unblock your Earth Star Chakra

Take a moment to watch my video here about Unblock your Earth Star Chakra. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

Now as you start having more energy and light coming into your physical body things are gonna start to shift. You're getting an upgrade! Your DNA, your bones, cells, and even your nervous system. That's why this takes some time, you are adjusting. You're becoming one with your light body. How fun is that? It's all starting to make sense now.

Not too fast though, you may experience some side effects.

Nothing to worry about, but just be aware of what's going on. Of course, if you're having serious health issues go see your doctor. 

Some of the things that I experienced were tingling and twitching in the legs, especially at night- super fun for my husband. It can help to have a weighted blanket...(cause you're finally getting the energy moving..Yay) Then I experienced either hot flashes or getting super cold almost like having a 24-hour flu. But I was just releasing old programs that came up. I also became more aware of belief patterns that weren’t exactly mine but were passed down from my ancestors. I’m mean I know they meant well, but...c'mon!

The cool thing is, you no longer have to be trapped in this loop de loop. You can heal and clear this dense energy.  It’s just not good for you anymore. Trust that if it's loving and important it will come back. 

I know, exciting, huh?

So how do we balance our earth star chakra? Well, it’s pretty simple, actually- through intention, movement, and meditation.


An easy thing to start with is to just get outside!  Set the intention that you would like to connect with the earth star chakra. It's that easy. Take 4 deep breaths and bring your focus to the bottoms of your feet. Feel each foot as its energy expands down into the earth star. Like the roots of a tree. Connecting to a beach ball. Feel the energy and deepen your connection. You are starting to awaken a new energetic point in your field.


Try Yoga or qigong. I like the Mountain Pose. It's simple and easy - just stand with both feet planted firmly on the ground. Lift from the top of your head and ground through your feet; firm up your thighs, spread your toes gently and press your shoulders back. Stand like this for about 30 seconds to a minute. Feel or imagine  your energy connecting to the Earth Star chakra.

You could also get a foot massage. Just ask your kids, or husband, or if all else fails, your neighbor. LOL


Sit quietly and visualize your column of light coming down from the cosmos through your higher chakras going down into the top of your head, through the center of your body, and out the base of your spine to the earthstar chakra. Imagine your earth star chakra becoming brighter and brighter as you bring energy and light to this center. Then allow  the column of light to go  through each layer of the earth until it reaches the iron core.  Notice how this new connection has anchored your entire energy system into the earth. Now that you're plugged in, feel how much more light you can hold in and around your body. Pretty amazing isn't it?


Listening to 68.05Hz sounds.

This is the Earth Star chakra's frequency. By playing music on this frequency you can stimulate its growth and activation. I like to use a headset.

Before we jump in, I know a lot of us like our crystals as well. I listed a few that may help you to connect and visualize your earth star chakra. Here are just a few examples- Obsidian, black tourmaline, Jet, Amber, Clear quartz, Aqua quartz, and the Merkaba star crystal. But again, do what resonates for you. 

I hope this helped you get a little more grounded. If you would like to take this process a step deeper, you can download the corresponding worksheets and a guided meditation. They are all available for immediate download on my website. 

Until next time, 

I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide

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About the Author:

Marisa Grieco is the creator of Your Mystical Guide and host of a popular Youtube show about energy healing, mindfulness, and the path to a better life. Her work focuses on identifying and releasing old programs that prevent us from reaching our true potential
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