How to Protect Your Energy Field

Negativity can affect your energy field and but you can make it bright and shiny again when you clean it.
hello world!
Marisa Grieco
April 5, 2021

We’ve talked about how negativity can affect your energy field and how you can make it bright and shiny again when you clean it. So now, let’s talk about how you can prevent it from getting damaged and dirty altogether. After all, wouldn’t it be better if we didn’t have to clean it as often? Like when you get those fancy couch covers so your kids (or your husband) don’t ruin your favorite sofa? Yeah, energy protection is kinda like that.

With the holidays coming up, you know that there are going to be a lot of trips to a crowded mall, a lot of parties, and a lot of family time. And even if you don’t have a wild and passionate family like mine (I love you all, I promise!), it can really wipe you out. There’s the pressure of gifts, meals, socializing, and just being “on” all the time. Before you know it, you’re feeling like a drained battery, wondering why you’re exhausted.

That’s why learning to protect your energy field is like having a secret weapon—one that can keep you grounded, calm, and sane even during the chaos.

Let’s start with some basic visualization, something simple and easy. You can do this anywhere. Close your eyes for a moment and visualize a pure white light flowing all over you. It starts at the top of your head and flows all the way down through each energetic point in your body. Visualize this white light washing away any low frequencies that no longer serve you—anything that is not giving you the chance to bring in those positive feel-good vibes.

I know it may sound simple, but trust me, it works! We’re dealing with energy here, and it responds beautifully to intention and visualization.

Here are 3 Simple Tricks to Protect Your Energy Field.

Trick #1: Shielding

Imagine a loving layer of white light surrounding your body. This is your protective shield. Make sure your intention is to protect your energy field and ask the universe or your guides to help you. With practice, this shield can become as strong as a brick wall. On especially tough days, like when you know you’re about to enter a crowded mall or that one family gathering that always gets under your skin, visualize this shield being even stronger. I’m talking fortresses here, people! Maybe even add a moat around your brick wall if you’re having an especially bad day or walking into somewhere you know is going to drive you crazy.

This technique is super versatile. If you feel yourself starting to get overwhelmed, reimagine that shield of light. You may have to do this several times a day. But guess what? It only takes a few seconds, so don’t let the bad vibes in!

Tip #2: Visualization

Visualization is another powerful tool. We’ve already talked about using white light to cleanse your energy field, but you can also use it to protect it. Imagine that same white light not just washing over you but creating a bubble around you—a boundary between you and the world’s negative energy.

Here’s a bonus: If you’re an empath or highly sensitive, visualize this light expanding outward as far as you need it to. You might be in a meeting or on the subway, and you don’t want to soak up all the vibes from the people around you. This light can act like a filter, allowing only the energy that serves your highest good to come through. Visualize this pure light reflecting away anything that doesn’t belong in your space.

Tip #3: Crystals

Now, let’s talk about crystals. I know not everyone is into crystals, but hear me out—they can be a great way to ward off negativity. And it’s all in your intention! I like to set the intention that my crystals are protecting my energy field, keeping me grounded, and sending out positive vibes. Especially because, let’s be honest, I don’t always remember to do the top two tricks every single day.

Some of my favorite protective crystals are amethyst and smoky quartz. Amethyst helps to shield your energy from negative influences, while smoky quartz works to ground you and clear out any unwanted energy. You can carry them in your pocket, wear them as jewelry, or keep them in your workspace. Just holding one in your hand during a stressful moment can make a huge difference. Let your crystals work for you!

Bonus Tip: Set Boundaries

Now, I want to let you in on one of the most important things: setting boundaries. I know, I know, boundaries are something we often forget about—especially if you’re a natural caregiver, someone who feels compelled to be there for others 24/7. But setting boundaries is one of the most powerful forms of energy protection.

Let’s be real, we all have that one friend who constantly dumps their negativity on us. You know the one—the complainer. Before you even meet up for coffee, you’re already bracing yourself for the emotional rollercoaster you’re about to endure. And when you finally leave, you feel heavier than when you arrived. Her energy is like emotional Velcro, and it’s sticking to you.

The next time you’re in this situation, give yourself permission to say, “Not today.” Protecting your energy isn’t selfish. It’s self-care! Set a boundary. You don’t have to cut them off, but decide how much of their energy you’re willing to let in. Tell yourself that you’re not going to absorb their negativity, and then stick to that boundary.

If you’re about to head into a situation where you know you’ll be drained, whether it’s a family gathering or a work event, set a time limit. It’s okay to say no! You have to take care of your energy field so you can show up as the best version of yourself.

More Techniques to Try

If you want to take your energy protection to the next level, here are a few more techniques to try:

  • Breathing Exercises: Sometimes, just a few deep breaths can shift your energy and reset your field. Take a deep breath in, hold for a moment, and then release all the tension, fear, or anxiety you’re holding onto. As you exhale, imagine releasing any energy that doesn’t belong to you.
  • Grounding Meditation: This is a beautiful way to connect to the earth and ground your energy. Visualize roots growing from your feet deep into the earth. Feel the stability and strength of the earth supporting you. This not only protects your energy field but also keeps you centered.
  • Sound Healing: Whether it’s listening to your favorite music or using singing bowls, sound vibrations can help cleanse and protect your energy. Plus, it’s fun!

Remember, protecting your energy field doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be a beautiful practice of self-love and care. So, next time you're about to walk into a potentially draining situation, take a moment to center yourself, set your intention, and visualize your protective shield.

Watch My Video About Protecting Your Energy Field with Your Mystical Guide

Take a moment to watch my video here about Protecting Your Energy Field with Your Mystical Guide. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

So next time you’re in this situation or even going into a house full of your in-laws, tell yourself that you’re not going to let anyone else bring you down. Create that boundary and set limits so that you decide what you’re going to feel. If you know that you can only handle two hours there before you’re ready to hide in the closet with a bottle of wine, then fake an emergency at that two-hour mark.

I know it can be especially hard for sensitive people to say no or back away from being the shoulder that everyone cries on, but you need to take care of you too!

Want to learn more? Check out the next section of the “Hands of Light” book. There’s a ton of information in here that might be particularly useful with the holidays coming up. Don’t have it? Get it here.

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About the Author:

Marisa Grieco is the creator of Your Mystical Guide and host of a popular Youtube show about energy healing, mindfulness, and the path to a better life. Her work focuses on identifying and releasing old programs that prevent us from reaching our true potential
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