Embarking on the journey of conscious manifestation is a thrilling adventure, yet it's not uncommon to encounter frustration and anger when our envisioned reality doesn't unfold as swiftly as we desire. These feelings of emotional fire can feel overwhelming, but they don’t have to be. What if I told you that instead of dousing this fire, you could harness it? Yes! Anger, frustration, and disappointment can be powerful catalysts for transformation and creation, if you know how to work with them. Let’s dive into how to use these intense emotions to supercharge your manifestation journey with some fun and practical tips!

Acknowledging and Validating Your Feelings

First things first: acknowledge and validate your emotions. Let’s face it—when you're on your manifestation path and things aren’t happening as quickly as you’d like, it’s easy to get frustrated. And that’s OK! You’re human, after all. Suppressing anger or frustration only makes it stronger, lurking in the background and blocking your manifestation power. It’s like trying to hold a beach ball underwater; it just pops up with even more force!

Here’s your first tip: Give yourself permission to feel. Let your emotions come up without judging yourself for them. Say to yourself, “I see you, frustration. I feel you, anger. You are allowed to be here.” By acknowledging your feelings, you prevent them from taking over your energy body and mind. Instead, you allow them to become your fuel.

Uncovering the Triggers Beneath the Surface

But why am I feeling this way? That’s the golden question. It’s not enough to just feel the emotion; you’ve got to explore where it’s coming from. Is your anger triggered because you feel unworthy of what you’re manifesting? Are you secretly afraid you’ll fail, so your anger is actually masking fear?

Here’s an empowering exercise: Journal your triggers. Sit down with a pen and paper and ask yourself, “Why am I angry? What am I really feeling underneath this frustration?” Sometimes anger is a signal that there’s a deeper issue—like fear of inadequacy or feeling a lack of control. Once you identify what’s underneath, you can address those feelings directly, allowing you to clear emotional blocks and move forward with your manifestation.

Practicing Mindfulness with Your Anger

Now that we’ve welcomed and identified our anger, it’s time to practice mindfulness. You see, anger becomes a problem when it controls us, but when we become aware of it, we can control how we use it. So, instead of flying off the handle, take a step back and observe the anger like an old friend visiting for tea. “Oh, hello again, anger. I see you’ve popped by to visit.”

Here’s a fun technique: Try anger meditation! I know it sounds counterintuitive, but hear me out. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and feel the anger in your body. Where does it live? In your chest? Your belly? Your throat? As you breathe deeply, notice the anger without trying to change it. Let it be. Often, just by observing it, you’ll find the intensity lessens, and you can redirect that energy into something productive.

Reframing Negative Thoughts and Cultivating Self-Compassion

It’s so easy for anger to fuel negative thoughts like, “I’m never going to manifest this,” or “Why does this always happen to me?” But guess what? These thoughts are sabotaging your manifestation mojo! Your thoughts are powerful, and when you let anger feed your self-doubt, it’s like pouring sugar into your gas tank—things just won’t run smoothly.

So here’s a manifestation reframe: Whenever you catch yourself spiraling into negative thinking, flip it! Instead of “This isn’t working,” try, “I’m learning valuable lessons to help me get closer to my manifestation.” Or, “I’m frustrated, but I trust that the Universe is rearranging things in my favor.” Write down these affirmations and repeat them daily to retrain your brain toward positive thinking.

Self-compassion also plays a big role here. Don’t beat yourself up just because you’re having a tough moment. Treat yourself with the same love and kindness that you’d give to a friend who is struggling. You’re doing your best, and that’s enough!

Releasing Attachments to Outcomes

One of the biggest sources of frustration on the manifestation path comes from being too attached to the outcome. When you grip too tightly to how you think things should unfold, you limit the Universe’s ability to deliver even better outcomes than you could imagine.

Here’s a tip: Let go of the “how”. Instead of saying, “I need this to happen exactly like this, by this time,” try, “I’m open to receiving what’s for my highest good, however it arrives.” This surrendering creates space for the Universe to work its magic in ways that are often unexpected but perfectly aligned with your desires.

Embracing Gratitude: The Ultimate Game Changer

When you’re stuck in a rut of frustration, it can feel hard to see the good in your situation. But gratitude is a powerful antidote to frustration. Shifting your focus from what’s not working to what is working can quickly raise your vibration and reignite your manifesting power.

Start a gratitude practice: Every morning, write down three things you’re grateful for. They don’t have to be huge things—sometimes, it’s the little joys, like a good cup of coffee or a kind word from a friend, that can shift your mood. Gratitude helps remind you that, even if your manifestation hasn’t arrived yet, there’s still so much to celebrate.

Channeling Energy into Creativity

Now, let’s get to the fun part—channeling that fiery energy! Instead of letting anger build up and cause you to burn out, redirect that energy into something creative. Remember, anger is just energy, and energy can be transformed into action, art, and manifestation.

Here’s an idea: Create something! Whether it’s a painting, a poem, a dance, or a new project, allow your anger to be the fire that fuels your creativity. When you transform frustration into creation, you’re not only releasing the pent-up emotion, but you’re also harnessing it as a powerful tool for personal growth. Who knows? Your next big breakthrough could come from that very anger you once resented!

Seeking Support

Finally, remember that you don’t have to go through this process alone. If you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed, it can be incredibly helpful to seek support—whether that’s from a friend, a counselor, or a spiritual guide. And hey, I’m always here for you! Working with me, Your Mystical Guide, can help you gain clarity and navigate the emotional highs and lows of the manifestation process.

Wrapping It Up

The manifestation journey isn’t always sunshine and rainbows—sometimes, it’s fire and fury! But remember that fire can be a powerful tool to help you grow and create. By acknowledging your emotions, reframing your thoughts, and channeling your energy into something creative, you can transform your anger into a force that propels you forward on your manifestation path.

Keep in mind that every emotion you experience, even the challenging ones, has something valuable to teach you. So the next time anger comes knocking, instead of resisting it, invite it in, sit down, and ask, “How can I use you to create something amazing?”

Trust yourself, trust the process, and know that you have the power to turn your emotional fire into fuel for your manifestation journey. Keep going—you’ve got this!

We can see physical boundaries everywhere in life: this is my country, this is my house, this is my side of the bed, that’s my vibrator. You get the idea, but we rarely talk about our spiritual or energetic boundaries—what I like to call our little “cocoon.” Most of us don’t even know this space exists, let alone that we have the power to control it. That’s where the magic happens, my friend!

In this post, we're going to learn what your spiritual boundary is and how to create one. Because if we want to thrive in this chaotic world, we need to protect our energy and learn how to draw those invisible lines. So, let’s dive in.

Before Boundaries: The Soup of Life

Before I started this spiritual journey, I had no concept of boundaries. Heck, I’m Italian! We function and live in a giant bowl of soup—minestrone, to be exact. In my family, we feel everything. We sense each other’s moods, predict everyone’s next move, and live in this collective energy field. The only time I ever saw anyone establish a boundary was when they were pissed off. Then the walls would go up, and no one was getting in—or out. But come dinnertime, the walls would crumble, and we’d all get back to our happy place. Because, let’s be honest, who wants to waste a fantastic meal in a crappy mood?

In some ways, living like this can feel very fulfilling. You’re never alone, and that can be comforting. It’s especially satisfying when everyone’s having a good time—laughing, gossiping, playing cards, and, of course, planning the next meal. But here’s the thing: when someone in the “soup” starts sinking to the bottom, we all feel it. And that’s when things can go south.

That’s why creating spiritual and energetic boundaries is so essential. It’s a game changer! Instead of feeling like you’re getting pulled down into someone else’s drama, you can remain the sturdy potato or carrot in the soup. You don’t have to be the soggy pea at the bottom of the bowl! (Okay, okay, enough with the soup metaphors.)

Watch My Video About Boundaries You Didn’t Know You Needed

Take a moment to watch my video here about Boundaries You Didn’t Know You Needed.. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

What Exactly Are Spiritual Boundaries?

So, what are spiritual boundaries? Think of them as your invisible force field—a shield made of light that helps you contain your energy and keep unwanted vibes out. These boundaries aren't just about keeping people away, though. They allow you to maintain your emotional balance, even when the world around you is swirling with chaos.

It’s like saying “no” energetically, without having to say a word. Imagine how powerful that is! When you establish these boundaries, you get to control what you let in and what you keep out. You’ll no longer feel overwhelmed by other people's emotions, their bad moods, or even their gossip.

Step 1: Tune Into Your Own Energy

The first step to creating spiritual boundaries is becoming familiar with your own energy. How can you set boundaries if you don’t even know what your energy feels like? Here’s how to get started:

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Sit down, relax, and take a few deep breaths. Release any tension in your body. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is to tune into your own frequency.
  2. Meditate: Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow your awareness to drop into your body, and notice how you feel. Do you sense any tingling, warmth, or even colors in your mind’s eye? This is your energy.
  3. Scan Your Body: Imagine scanning your body, starting from your feet and moving up through your chakras. Check each energy center to see if anything feels “off” or if you notice someone else's energy lurking there. (It happens!)

For example, let’s say I’m focusing on my root chakra at the base of my spine, and suddenly, I see an image of my nosy neighbor (who’s always asking for favors). Well, she’s not supposed to be there! Time to clear that energy out.

Step 2: Purge Unwanted Energies

Once you’ve identified that someone else’s energy has crept into your field, it’s time to purge. I like to imagine the energy as a gray mist. Visualize that mist leaving your body, flowing out of your energy field, and dissolving into nothing. Continue this process until you feel lighter and brighter.

Repeat this with all your chakras, from root to crown. Once you’re clear, it’s time to bring in some good vibes.

Step 3: Call in Your Own Energy

Now that you’ve cleared out any energetic intruders, it’s time to fill yourself up with your own light. Imagine a beautiful, golden light pouring in through the top of your head, filling every inch of your body. Let this light radiate out into your aura, creating a glowing cocoon around you. This is your energetic boundary—your safe space.

I like to take it a step further and imagine an object just outside my aura. It could be anything—a tree, a crystal, or even a piece of jewelry. This item acts as a visual reminder of where my energy ends and someone else’s begins.

Step 4: Maintain Your Boundaries Without Fear

I prefer to think of this process as boundary-setting rather than protection. When I focus on protection, it feels like I’m expecting an attack. That’s not how I want to live my life! Setting a boundary, on the other hand, comes from a place of empowerment. It’s about containing your own energy, not living in fear of what’s out there.

Tips for Strengthening Your Spiritual Boundaries

  1. Daily Energy Cleansing: Make energy cleansing part of your daily routine. Just like brushing your teeth, it’s essential to keep your aura sparkling clean. Try a quick meditation or visualization every morning to clear out any lingering energy from the day before.
  2. Mantras and Affirmations: Repeat a mantra or affirmation to strengthen your boundaries. I love saying, “I am light, I am whole, I am protected.” It helps keep my energy focused and aligned.
  3. Physical Boundaries Help Too!: Sometimes, we need physical boundaries to support our energetic ones. If you find yourself overwhelmed in a crowded space or around certain people, don’t hesitate to take a step back or politely excuse yourself. You’re allowed to have space, both physically and energetically.
  4. Ground Yourself: Grounding is key to keeping your boundaries intact. When you feel frazzled or scattered, plant your feet on the earth (or imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the ground). This keeps you centered and helps to reinforce your boundaries.

Embrace Your Cocoon of Light

Creating spiritual boundaries allows you to stay centered and aligned with your true self, no matter what’s happening around you. Remember, you are not your thoughts, your emotions, or your body—you are pure light, and your energy deserves to be protected and nurtured.

If you’re looking for more support or want to dive deeper into energy work, check out my guided meditations and worksheets available on my website. They’re free for anyone in my mystical membership, and they’re a great way to start establishing your boundaries with ease.

Until next time, I’m Marisa Grieco, your mystical guide. Shine on!

Do you ever feel like your brain is so full that you're about to explode? As if the simplest things seem to feel like they are moving farther and farther away from you? You're not going crazy -- okay maybe a little - but aren’t we all? This feeling, this sense of bewilderment, just might be your Earth Star Chakra. It could be clogged. Stay with me and in this post, I’m gonna show you how to clear, connect and reactivate this chakra. 

I don't know about you, but recently I found myself walking into rooms and forgetting why I even went in there. Or I put my phone down or my keys somewhere, and suddenly, I can't figure out where I put them. I start to feel overwhelmed. My emotions, anxieties, my frustrations all start bubbling up. And I even have physical sensations. My knees and hips are sore, I’m bumping into things. I know, it sounds like a combination of ADD, old age, and day drinking. But it’s not. I discovered that my earth star chakra was blocked. And when I cleared it, a lot of this went away.

If any of this resonates with you, it might be that your earth star chakra is disconnected, blocked, or just simply underused. Let me share what I did to connect and activate this earth star chakra -- as soon as I find where I put my coffee. 

First, what the hell is the Earth Star Chakra and why might I just be hearing about this for the first time? Well, it's probably because you're ready!

The earth star chakra is actually not located in your physical body but around 6 to 12 inches below your feet, in the etheric realm (the first or lowest layer in the "human energy field" or aura. It is said to be in immediate contact with the physical body, to sustain it and connect it with "higher" bodies). 

The Earth Star chakra helps you to ground your entire chakra system and your energetic light bodies into the planet. I know! Who knew?

Activating this chakra creates the strongest foundation for you to properly lift and connect with your higher self and the higher dimensions. It is so powerful that it has its own magnetic force that pulls down these higher frequencies into your light body. As you expand energetically and surrender your old ways of being, whether that's an old belief, an old program, or simply other people's energy you will become brighter. The brighter you become, the more in sync you become with the natural heartbeat of the Earth, and the faster you will manifest your dreams. So start to get clear on your intentions and release your old baggage, cause it doesn’t serve you anymore. Baby things are gonna speed up- energy, vibration, and frequency determine everything.

Watch My Video About Unblock your Earth Star Chakra

Take a moment to watch my video here about Unblock your Earth Star Chakra. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

Now as you start having more energy and light coming into your physical body things are gonna start to shift. You're getting an upgrade! Your DNA, your bones, cells, and even your nervous system. That's why this takes some time, you are adjusting. You're becoming one with your light body. How fun is that? It's all starting to make sense now.

Not too fast though, you may experience some side effects.

Nothing to worry about, but just be aware of what's going on. Of course, if you're having serious health issues go see your doctor. 

Some of the things that I experienced were tingling and twitching in the legs, especially at night- super fun for my husband. It can help to have a weighted blanket...(cause you're finally getting the energy moving..Yay) Then I experienced either hot flashes or getting super cold almost like having a 24-hour flu. But I was just releasing old programs that came up. I also became more aware of belief patterns that weren’t exactly mine but were passed down from my ancestors. I’m mean I know they meant well, but...c'mon!

The cool thing is, you no longer have to be trapped in this loop de loop. You can heal and clear this dense energy.  It’s just not good for you anymore. Trust that if it's loving and important it will come back. 

I know, exciting, huh?

So how do we balance our earth star chakra? Well, it’s pretty simple, actually- through intention, movement, and meditation.


An easy thing to start with is to just get outside!  Set the intention that you would like to connect with the earth star chakra. It's that easy. Take 4 deep breaths and bring your focus to the bottoms of your feet. Feel each foot as its energy expands down into the earth star. Like the roots of a tree. Connecting to a beach ball. Feel the energy and deepen your connection. You are starting to awaken a new energetic point in your field.


Try Yoga or qigong. I like the Mountain Pose. It's simple and easy - just stand with both feet planted firmly on the ground. Lift from the top of your head and ground through your feet; firm up your thighs, spread your toes gently and press your shoulders back. Stand like this for about 30 seconds to a minute. Feel or imagine  your energy connecting to the Earth Star chakra.

You could also get a foot massage. Just ask your kids, or husband, or if all else fails, your neighbor. LOL


Sit quietly and visualize your column of light coming down from the cosmos through your higher chakras going down into the top of your head, through the center of your body, and out the base of your spine to the earthstar chakra. Imagine your earth star chakra becoming brighter and brighter as you bring energy and light to this center. Then allow  the column of light to go  through each layer of the earth until it reaches the iron core.  Notice how this new connection has anchored your entire energy system into the earth. Now that you're plugged in, feel how much more light you can hold in and around your body. Pretty amazing isn't it?


Listening to 68.05Hz sounds.

This is the Earth Star chakra's frequency. By playing music on this frequency you can stimulate its growth and activation. I like to use a headset.

Before we jump in, I know a lot of us like our crystals as well. I listed a few that may help you to connect and visualize your earth star chakra. Here are just a few examples- Obsidian, black tourmaline, Jet, Amber, Clear quartz, Aqua quartz, and the Merkaba star crystal. But again, do what resonates for you. 

I hope this helped you get a little more grounded. If you would like to take this process a step deeper, you can download the corresponding worksheets and a guided meditation. They are all available for immediate download on my website. 

Until next time, 

I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide

Have you been polishing your crown lately? No, not your literal crown, but your Crown Chakra. Keeping this chakra clear and aligned is the key to beginning your manifestation journey. And it has a lot more to offer you than a real crown. So let’s get started.

When my crown chakra opened, I didn’t know what the side effects were. I just woke up one morning and I felt as though my mind had been wiped clean-- there was no beginning or end. I was just… present. At first, I was a little scared because this feeling was new to me. I was so used to having my mind running on autopilot, bumping into old programs and releasing crazy chemicals like adrenaline into my body. So when I felt open and clean, I was scared that something had happened to me. Did I drink something? Did I eat something? Was I abducted by aliens and then wiped clean?

What the heck was happening???

I took some time to do some research and that’s when I realized that this is the starting point. It’s in this space that I began to merge with my higher self. I’m the one that writes my path, my manifestations. I’m no longer just a puppet in the game of life waiting to see how things are going to play out from my limiting beliefs and programs.

Now, I know that I’m not free from all my old programs, but I have begun to create just enough space for a new choice and new possibilities to manifest….lol. Now enough about me. 

What is the Crown Chakra and why is it so important?

This is our seventh energy center that is located at the top of the head. It is violet in color, or sometimes white. Its symbol is a circle with one thousand petals. It is known as our spiritual connection, free will, enlightenment, wisdom, and universal consciousness. In essence, it is our highest potential!

The crown chakra is the veil between the physical and the spiritual.

When it’s open; we feel as though we have a direct connection to the higher realms. Meditation allows us to activate this center, bringing our sense of awareness to expand. We no longer feel identified with the limited physical body. We’ll simply see it as a vehicle for our light to use while living on this planet.

When I guide my clients to begin their healing journey, this is the first center I open up and connect to—allowing high-frequency light to enter through this point. This helps to nourish and replenish the body, the mind, and the spirit. As the energy flows down through to the other chakras, we are beginning to bridge the physical and the spiritual world. Clearing out the old and making room for the new.

The cool thing about the crown chakra is its influence on the nervous system, the muscular system, and your skin. That’s why you appear more illuminated when you do more and more spiritual work. You know when someone “lights up a room”? This is because this chakra is in alignment. 

When this chakra is working, you may receive transcendent ideas, much more expanded than your limited mind could have ever imagined. Pretty cool. This is also where you receive your downloads. Now we’re talking!

It’s also from this space where we begin to call back our spirit, our energy that is stuck in other dimensions of time and space. It’s also the doorway for you to begin channeling other beings.  I know we’re getting pretty deep now.  When you're ready to take that dive with me check out my new Mystical Membership which is actually on sale right now for $12.99/month.

So how do you know if your Crown Chakra is blocked or under-activated?

Well if you feel like you're running in the frequency of doubt, fear, and vulnerability, your crown chakra is most likely blocked. Especially if you feel disconnected from your higher self, meaning you feel alone. Do you lack inspiration? Do you feel like you're split in two, where your body and spirit are disconnected?

Do you come from the mindset of scarcity, not having enough, feeling as though you must collect as much as you can in order to survive and feel safe? Maybe you have the need to control everything and everyone around you. If any of these symptoms resonate with you it could be that your crown chakra is just blocked. Which is okay, that’s why you're learning and growing...you're waking up!

Watch My Video About Tips to Unblock your Crown Chakra

Take a moment to watch my video here about Tips to Unblock your Crown Chakra. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

Here are some tips to try to open up and activate your Crown Chakra:


Put your headset on and listen to the Solfeggio frequency of 963 Hz.

Or you can sing the tone of “OM” and the sound of “Eee”. When I do this I like to feel the vibrations in my head. These sounds will match the vibration of the Crown.

If these don’t resonate with you another key is silence. Simply sit in a quiet space and focus on your breath.


Start with sitting in a comfortable position, now gently rub or tap the top of your head in a clockwise circular direction. Allow your eyes to focus at the lower forehead between the eyebrows. Imagine now that your spine is a hollow tube made of glass. Now imagine this tube being filled with a brilliant white light coming down from the cosmos.

Allow the light to flow down into you through your crown chakra. Feel the light spiraling down your entire body. And filling you up.

As you begin to feel this, repeat “I am one with the light.” 

Start to enjoy this warm feeling as it saturates your entire being, inside and out. Let every cell be infused by light. Think of the light as a manifestation of your higher self, and allow yourself to be at one with it. In this state of oneness, you may begin to hear your intuitive thoughts and inspirations. Be grateful for this connection. After 10 minutes, take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.

Some more tips I suggest-- you’ve heard me say them before-- include healthy eating, exercise, like yoga, and setting your intentions will also help speed up the process.

Now as you begin to open your crown chakra you may start to experience some pressure or tingling at the top of your head. This is just the new frequencies entering into your field. We’re also activating your Pituitary Gland. This master gland controls hormones such as Insulin, Cortisol, and Melatonin. So this is going to help your visions become brighter and stronger.

So these are just a few tips I like to use to open up and activate my Crown Chakra. If you have any, I would love to hear from you. Just post it down below in the comments. Or go to the Members Tab here on my website and join our tribe where we discuss and share our experiences.

I just want to remind you that you are not your body or your emotions. That's just part of your avatar, your vessel. So if you start to experience intense emotions. Just allow them to pass through you, with no attachment and no judgment. You're clearing out the old crap, and that takes courage. So keep going, and be proud of yourself. You're upgrading...all those programs which were not all put there by you. Some just came with the avatar, so don’t take it personally.

If you want, listen to more sounds to help unlock this chakra. And be sure to also check out my worksheets and guided meditations.

Until next time,

I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide

Welcome back everybody, I’m so happy you're here. Today we are going to talk about the Heart Chakra, aka the love machine. The Bridge between our two worlds. We're going to learn how to unlock this bridge and remove the troll that has kept our spiritual knowledge and our physical needs separate.  In this post, I‘m going to share tips and tricks that helped me to override my past programming and get this energy moving. Let's get started.

Have you ever tried to hug a porcupine? No, of course not. Imagine that's what it's like when your heart chakra is closed- you want love, you want affection, but you just can’t seem to give it to yourself or others because something keeps getting in the way. You may start to feel harsh and judgmental. And forgiveness is definitely not an option. I’ve built up these beliefs that make sure I stay closed, I stay protected. Nothing is getting in and unfortunately, that means that nothing is able to get out either. At first, I felt okay with this agreement. But once the dust started to settle, I felt trapped and alone, turning me into a lonely porcupine (and not the cute little baby kind).

Today, that ends. I’m picking up my mystical hammer and together we are bringing down the old programs and those beliefs so we can reconnect to this incredible frequency that this center has to offer us!!!  Because we deserve it! Now, where's that hammer? 

Watch My Video About Tips to Help Unblock Your Heart Chakra

Take a moment to watch my video here about Tips to Help Unblock Your Heart Chakra. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

So what is the heart chakra?

The heart chakra is your fourth energy center that is located in your chest. It is associated with the color green, which represents transformation, love and healing. The color is just a reflection of the vibration of this center.

When the heart chakra is open and in alignment you will feel supported by love, compassion and joy. You're going to have a connection to the world around you. Your relationships are healthy and strong, and you won’t have a hard time receiving. 

Now for me this center had a lot of red tape. I had a lot of programs of what love, relationships and receiving were about and what they were supposed to look like; and being open was not one of them.

That’s why I would like to focus on this center just being your bridge. Connecting you to the physical world with all its power and the spiritual with all of its gifts and knowledge. This helped me to override all the symptoms of a blocked heart chakra.

What are the symptoms of a blocked heart chakra?

So, what are the signs of a blocked heart chakra? And how do you go about unblocking it?

Even though this center is all about love and forgiveness, I was like...forget about it. Nothing is getting into this center. If you're feeling guarded like me, have high expectations of others or feel lonely, you might have a blocked heart chakra. If you find that you hold a grudge for a long time, or if jealousy takes you over, guess what, you might have a blocked heart chakra. If you are constantly dwelling on past relationships and events or depend on others for fulfillment...you guessed it! You might have a blocked heart chakra. Wait a minute, this is starting to kind of sound like my autobiography...lol!

Well if any of this resonates with you, you're not a jerk. You just have a blocked heart chakra. And we're gonna open it up... Or at least try to...just a little.

Soulution (not a typo...see what I did there?!)

I’m going to share with you what I did to open up this center.

I found at first when I had to look at the list of people I had to forgive or the amount of programs I had to go through, I thought this is going to take years! I was scared shitless of opening up this landmine. I didn’t know what was going to set me off, and the thought of opening up this center was scary for me.

Start with this simple meditation, where I treat my heart chakra as a bridge.

This helped me to get the energy moving.

Close your eyes.

Visualize the top of your head opening up and a column of light coming in through traveling all the way through your heart space (your bridge). The column of light keeps traveling down, past your bridge, all the way out through your root chakra, out your legs, all the way into the center of the earth.

Visualize the light anchoring in this space.

Now visualize energy (which I see as liquid gold), coming up from the center of the earth, coming up along that column of light. Have it stop at your heart center (aka bridge) and visualize the liquid gold mixing with the bright white light. 

Allow this mixture to clean and clear out all those old programs.

Release them and watch them float away.

Visualize them going out the front and out the back of your body. Keep releasing these old programs and watching them float away.

Think of this space as high energy where cosmic energy (high frequency) and earth energy meet.

Feel this flow of energy move through you from your head to your toes. 

Reclaim this space.

I like to do this either during my morning meditation or before bed. I feel like this gets my energy moving.

When you’re living in that body, within that limited space, you’re in that third dimension and the third dimension is the physical. Right? The logical mind, the emotional and the physical body. Now there’s nothing wrong with that, but if you’re not connected to that higher frequency coming in, you’re missing out on where you get your creative impulses, that feeling of oneness.

Even when we think we’re falling in love with somebody else, really what we’re doing is opening up that valve and giving ourselves permission to feel that flow of energy. Forget about everyone else. This isn’t about anyone but you. 

Opening up this center unlocks your mystical gifts, happiness, and healthy relationships. But again, the first healthy relationship is with YOU! You have boundaries and you are containing that love, so it doesn’t matter if that person walks in that you don’t like, or if I don’t care what someone else is doing, it doesn’t affect how I feel.

The second thing you’re going to find interesting is when you start to live this way, those people aren’t going to bother you anymore, because you’re actually going to see them with more compassion and more love since you’re not letting their energy affect yours.

Don’t be hard on yourself at the beginning. This is a process. We’re constantly working on opening up this chakra. So take your time and enjoy the journey.

One other simple tip I will tell you, and I have my kids do this every night before bed. Think of three people you love. Think of three people that love you. And think of three things you saw throughout your day that made you happy. And the cool thing about this exercise is that if after a while you run out of things that are beautiful or you forget who else loves you, your mind will start to automatically answer these for you. Throughout your day you will realize, oh yeah, I love that person, I’ll put them on my list tonight. And it’s funny how then we are able to give love a little more freely. We don’t have to say, “hold up, I’m not sure I am ready to put you on that love list yet.” But instead it becomes reflections of ourselves and other people. It’s okay to love and to have this feeling flowing.

I hope some of this resonated with you. Again, I want you to know that you are not alone. We’re all going through this process together. We all have emotions, we all have problems and we all have blocks. And that’s okay. 

If you have any tips, exercises or rituals that you do to help you unlock this heart chakra, let me know in the comments or better yet, come join my tribe over in the Mystical Circle where we can dive in deeper together!

Until then I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide

Everything right now seems to be about manifesting your dreams, and while I do love playing this game, I was missing a key element. Abundance. I always thought that abundance was something that I wanted to possess, that I yearned for, that I needed. But that was my mistake. It turns out that abundance is simply a frequency that we tune into and feel. I was like...whaaaat?! So basically, it’s saying I need to feel full before I eat..ahhh, that’s crazy! In this post, we are going to practice some exercises to become aware and overcome old programs that are preventing you from feeling full of abundance and blocking out this frequency. So let’s get started. But not until I have my rigatoni. LOL  

What actually inspired this episode was my daughter Zoe started building a bookshelf in her room. Once she was done, she went around the entire house and picked out her favorite books. This gave me the space to pull out all my self-help books. As I was going through them, I started reminiscing about each book I came across. Turns out, I’ve been doing this for a long time.

I found Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book You'll See it When You Believe It”. I was instantly flooded with feelings of happiness. Of course, I had all my favorite lines and sections highlighted.

As I flipped through I came across a section called “You Can't Own Anything”. The first line caught my eye, “...especially abundance, is not something that we acquire. It is something we tune in to. Our need to accumulate and own literally keeps us from tuning in to the abundance that is right in front of our lack-filled eyes. All the things you think you absolutely need in order to be happier are indications that we are controlled from without rather than from within.” Bells are going off!!!

So basically, if your mind believes in scarcity, that's what our life experiences will be. We can only receive what we are willing to let in, and what we block is not from unavailability but from our scarcity beliefs. Again... I’m like ding, ding, ding! 

This made me look at myself and I noticed that some of my bigger dreams were outside of me. I was fantasizing about them...not like that...lol. But I could feel that I was empty inside. I didn’t really feel like I deserved it and I was also aware that I was waiting to be happy. Like these big dreams were on a carrot stick, dangling in front of me, that I couldn’t quite reach. 

Now the crazy part was- I was comfortable with that. Like it's okay for me to want it, but I’m not really ever going to have it. That’s for someone else.

So just like detective Sherlock Holmes, I had to get to the bottom of this. 

Watch My Video About A Different Way to Look at Abundance

Take a moment to watch my video here about A Different Way to Look at Abundance. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

I was definitely coming from a space of scarcity and lack. When I tried to shift, I noticed that I was faced with my old programs. One of them was a doozie. I didn't want to look at all the good in my life. All that I already had and accomplished, no matter how small or good it was, my old programs wouldn't let it in. Who would I be if I wasn’t bitching about my life? Complaining about how hard things are for me. Or how I’m not good enough, fit enough, pretty enough--you get the idea. I was identified with my excuses. If that wasn’t enough, I made fun of the successful people around me. That schmuck, he has it easy, his family helped him. Or, he is so arrogant, of course he gets what he wants, he only thinks about himself. He is so selfish. Or I can’t stand those guys who think they're better than everyone else. I don’t want to be rich and successful if I’m taking it from someone else. I’m not a douchebag (I think).  Or my favorite, I don’t need anything I’m fine. My list of programs could go on for hours, but that's not our focus right now. 

I’m just sharing this with you to show you how my thoughts were nowhere close to connecting with the frequency of abundance. Quite the opposite actually. 

So after years of playing these old programs, I decided to start to take the advice that I repeatedly read and heard from other shamans, healers, coaches, etc. who were all saying the same thing. I had to change my tune and tap into the frequency of abundance.

So what is the frequency of abundance?

Abundance isn't something that you can possess, it's actually just a frequency that we tap into. The Universe has an infinite supply of this energy. It influences and vibrates at a specific frequency. Everything around you, including you, can tap into it. 

Our thoughts are one of the keys to opening up and connecting to this frequency. This is the first step in determining what energy you wish to attract from the universe. And your thoughts determine what station you tune in to. Let me repeat that “YOU” choose. So when you come from the belief that you’re not enough or you don’t have enough you are literally tuning into the station of lack and blocking the frequency of abundance. Noooooooooooooo. So switch that station, and realize that abundance and happiness begin within you. You are already complete. You don’t need to get caught up in the trap that you need something or someone to make you happy. You can develop a sense of “aw” that is limitless.

So this was the tricky part for me. How do we go from feeling scarcity to feeling abundance?

I started by simply practicing these two exercises, which are inspired by my former acting coach Eric Morris. 

Count Your Blessings

This is a wonderful way to give yourself an energetic boost. List your accomplishments, your health, your family, being loved, all the things that start to fill you up. Notice that by the end of doing this exercise you feel full. Again that's the key. Can you feel the difference? 

Acknowledge Your Worth

Get in touch with your accomplishments and your success. Go over all the things that you have done in the past, no matter how small your ego thinks it is. You can do this out loud or write it down. Do what makes you happy. The most important thing is we're getting your energy moving in the right direction. 

Now that you're starting to get a sense of what it means to tap into feeling abundant, practice keeping this energy flowing throughout the day. Like a mom bringing snacks for her kids; when they start to get hungry, throw a sandwich at them. It's the same with you. If you start to feel empty or not enough, look around or think of something that you can feel grateful about. Even if it’s as simple as breathing. Just get your energy moving in the direction of abundance so that you can connect and create the life you want.

If you want to go deeper I’m going to post a meditation and worksheets on my website to guide you through this process. 

I hope that this blog post helps you to realize that you can easily start to tune into the frequency of abundance so that you can create the life you wish to live. 

Until next time, I’m Marisa Grieco Your Mystical guide. 

We've heard the expression a hundred times, "If you want to feel good, if you want change in your life, you can't bring your old baggage with you." Well, that’s what I want to talk about in this blog.  I will share my experience about a childhood event and how it clogged my energetic light field. And how I found a way to start feeling safe and loving in my own body once again. 

When I was about 11 or 12 years old, my girlfriend invited me to her birthday party.

I was so excited. This was my first time going to a party with other kids! I did my hair, wore my new fluorescent blue jersey dress. (It was the 80s.) I still remember putting on my earrings. I felt good. 

I went over all the matriarch rules in my head:

  • Don't do anything stupid.
  • Don't say anything stupid.
  • Use your manners.
  • And most importantly, watch out for boys! 

I didn't pay much attention to them. I heard them a billion times. I was simply going over to my girlfriend's house. What could go wrong?

I strutted out of my house with confidence since my leg warmers were hiding my furry little legs. I had my chin held high with my newly bleached mustache. My feminine energy was out full blast for the very first time. I walked in feeling good. If this were a movie, we would just be finishing the montage part. 

The layout of my friend's house was a carbon copy of my grandparents' house. It was like being in the matrix. As usual, the adults were all downstairs laughing and talking, and all the kids were on the main floor watching tv. What else would we be doing? It was just another friend from school and me with the rest of her family.

Just a good old-fashioned neighborhood birthday party.

blocked energetic light bodies

After a bit, my school friend went downstairs to get something to eat. I watched the show when two of the older boys stood in front of the only door to the room. The next thing I know, the tv gets turned off. I'm keeping cool. I remind myself that all the parents are downstairs. I'm not in one of those dark alleys my Nonna always worried about. I'm not doing anything weird or wrong. I'm just sitting here. But I can start to sense darkness in the room. My spidey senses begin to tingle. (Yes, I even had them back then.) I stand and walk towards the door casually when one of the boys shoves me back on the couch. He looks straight in the eye at me and says,

"Don't mind us if you get pregnant!"

 (Wow, now that's some goody bag for this party. And to think, all I got my friend was a shirt and a pair of earrings for her birthday!)

I'm kidding; it’s how I deal with uncomfortable situations.

Of course, the truth was, I was in shock. 

How could this be happening? I followed every rule. I did everything I was told. Yet every horror story my family warned me about was unfolding right before my eyes! And I had a starring role. 

Dammit, I knew I should have taken karate!! 

I thought, screw these guys. Well, not literally. I was like, what the fuck is this shit? I leaped off that couch like a caged mountain lion. I was swinging, screaming, kicking anyone that came close to me. No one was going to mess with this hairdo. My adrenaline was through the roof. What felt like an hour was probably a couple of minutes. My girlfriend's sister finally heard my screams and came into the room and broke up this mess with an announcement that it was cake time. 

Cake time?! 

Are you kidding me!! 

What the fuck?! 

Your family just tried to rape me in your living room, like a bunch of pent-up hormonal monsters who spent too long in Sunday school -- and you're offering them dessert?! So, I'm supposed to go downstairs and celebrate as if nothing happened? I wanted to walk down there and scream, "Your children are monsters. Even if they were just kidding around, their message and intent were awful. I'm 11! "

I wish that's what I said. But I didn't. Instead, I was in shock. I obeyed. My first birthday party ever, and this happens! Now, I was fortunate that the only thing they got to touch was my hair sprayed helmet of a hairdo. But I was still traumatized by the event. I can't imagine how someone feels after they've been sexually assaulted. I simply can't imagine it. And I'm sorry if that has happened to you. I truly am.

I called my uncle right away to pick me up. My uncle always reminded me of a cross between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. I wanted to tell him everything. I wanted to take him into the house and show those little fucks that they messed with the wrong family. I wanted him to treat them like a pinata hanging from a tree.

But If I did this, I figured two things were going to happen. Furst, ten black Cadillacs--okay, three black Cadillacs--were going to show up at this house with bats in their hand. And I'm pretty sure the people that would get arrested weren't the guys that caused this whole mess in the first place. And second, this would be the last birthday party I would attend for the rest of my life.  

While I stood on the stairwell waiting, I did what any Italian girl my age would do. I gave them my first ever evil eye.

Every single one of them.

Now, I don't need to provide you with the details of what happened to them that month. Let's just say my girlfriend had a new family trauma story to tell every week. I'm not boasting that my evil eye worked because this episode isn't about how to create and manifest the perfect curse -- but that would be a good one. This is story is to show you how easy it is for a program to get trapped in your energy field. This event has affected my relationships and relationship with men and myself for my entire life.

I probably could have used a lighter example, and I apologize if I upset anyone, but it's a black and white example of how we can carry an event throughout our lives. And carry it in a manner that does not serve us.

We have hundreds of these tiny programs playing subconsciously in our energy field that were created from events in our lives.

So, it's not so much that you're filled with anxiety, or you're too sensitive, or you're crazy. It's just that something has triggered one of these hidden programs and has released the chemicals tied to that experience into your body. That’s all it is.

Before we begin, I just want to be clear: this is how I dealt with helping myself release old blocks, old beliefs, and other traumatic experiences. I'm not a doctor or a licensed therapist.  I'm just sharing my process with you, hoping that it will help you feel better in your life because you know what? You deserve it! Remember that. And no schmuck or experience should rob you of a happy life.

Watch My Video About Blocked Energetic Light Bodies and How They Affect Your Happiness

Take a moment to watch my video here about Blocked Energetic Light Bodies and How They Affect Your Happiness. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

So how does a program or a block get created in our body?

When we have a traumatic experience, we automatically try to bury the pain. It's a safety mechanism for our brains. So, we cut ourselves off from the physical body by taking our consciousness away from that experience. Next, we cut off our thoughts and emotions by tensing our muscles and repressing them into our unconscious. To keep this buried, we create all kinds of distractions to take our attention away. You may overwork, turn to food, drugs, or alcohol, or simply detach entirely and become a couch-potato.

We may even start to project and blame others for the state we're in instead of healing and releasing this pain. We believe that the only way to eliminate this pain is to block it and stop the energy flow. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. We never want to prevent energy from flowing through our bodies because when we stop the flow of energy, we cut ourselves off from the positive experiences of life. You may not even be aware that you're doing it because you've done it since childhood. 

So right now, you may feel disconnected from yourself because of this block. Most likely, you've created mighty walls around your wounds. This act makes it feel impossible for you to reach your core, to reach your inner light. It also makes you feel separate from everyone and everything in your life.

When we stop the energy flow within the body, the painful experience moves into your emotional field.  There, it freezes the event in time and energy. This is what we call a block in our field. This block will remain frozen and adversely affecting your life until we thaw it out – just like a piece of meat. If we don't release this energy, it can become so dense it can start to make you sick.

The emotional energetic layer is where we store our emotions about ourselves. So, when it gets contaminated by the trauma, our self-image changes. We start to feel sad, guilty, angry, shameful -- whatever feelings were tied to that experience.

So, let's get that crap out of your energetic field!

Whether it's someone else's energy, an old belief, an old program – it doesn't matter. If it doesn't make you feel expanded and feel good, it's time to reclaim your true self and get it out! 

We create most of these programs in childhood. Usually, before we even know what's going on. That's why it's a good idea to re-evaluate what you want to keep and update it, or what you simply want to get rid of. This baggage is not worth keeping. It's preventing you from reaching your superpowers in the quantum field.

childhood trauma - block energetic light body

The First Three Energetic Light Bodies

I'm going to focus on your first three energetic light bodies and how they work.  I'm going to simplify this to give you an awareness of what's going on. So, let's start with the third energetic level and work our way down from the lightest to densest of these light bodies. 

If you look at this image, this is how the gradient of light in your field works. It isn't about positive or negative. It's just the amount of light that each level holds.

The Third Energetic Light Body:

This light body holds your thoughts. This is the level of self-perception. It’s basically how you think of yourself. 

Now, here's an example of the thoughts that may have been created after my event:

These thoughts in my head have a frequency, and unfortunately, it's a low frequency. So, if I don't heal from the wounds of my past, every time an event triggers me, I will think those same thoughts, and my body will produce the same chemicals that were present when the traumatic event first happened.

My subconscious mind does not know the difference between what happened in my past and what is happening now to make it even worse. That's why changing your thoughts is so important. There's a chain reaction.

Change your thoughts, change your life.

The Second Energetic Light Body

The second energetic light body is the emotional layer -this level is associated with how you feel about yourself. 

When you're happy and have positive programs, this layer is bright and colorful. But when you hold on to old emotions tied to old beliefs, you may feel shameful, small, weak, sad, angry, and guilty about yourself. This energy will appear dark, like lead in your energy field. This can start to make you sick because it ripples into the physical. You can see how when we move through these energetic light bodies, we become more “matter, “which is dense, and less “energy,” which is light.

So, let's act like alchemists and start to transmute that lead into gold!

The First Energetic Light Body

The first layer is the etheric energetic light body- this is the layer where you feel your pain and tension in your body.

It’s in this light body where energy gets trapped and stored. It affects your nervous system, your muscles, even your cells. So again, you can see how being in your body can start to feel uncomfortable. Even a simple touch by someone can trigger me to think of that event again, and out comes the hellcat!

Understand, my body doesn't want me to forget about it. It thinks it's trying to protect me. That's why I may complain of a stomachache, lower back pain, or headaches when these thoughts are triggered.  

Once I started to see my energetic light bodies in this way, I began to identify where I was holding and storing my old programs. I did this from a space of awareness, so it became easier and easier to catch their effects when triggered without having to live through the pain attached to that story. I knew it was time to update my energetic light bodies and rewrite my blueprint.

If the pain and the emotions are extreme for you, know that you can reach out to energetic healers and counselors to help you through this process. You don't have to do it alone.

My story and my tips are meant to help you start getting the energy moving through your body and help you understand that you are not your body, emotions, or thoughts. Know that you are simply a light being having a human experience. We are just cleaning out your avatar (your physical body) to make more room for yourself—space to have and to create the life you are meant to live.

So, here are some tips that helped me. You are going to need a pen and paper and a quiet space.

Tip # 1

Let's start with the third energetic light body: your thoughts.

What are your thoughts about yourself? For example, I am... (fill in the blank).

And then write them down. Don't edit your thoughts or your writing. No one will read this. Burn it after if you want. Once you've written down these old programs, you can start to rewrite and update them.

If you want to practice and do more profound work with this energetic light body layer, I have a video called "The Key to Manifest Faster" to help you find high-frequency words to replace the old ones.

Tip #2

For your Emotional, Energetic Light Body.

Find a quiet, uninterrupted space. Focus on your breath and tap into your second layer of your energetic light body. It's approximately 1-3 inches around your physical body.  Notice what comes up for you. Do you see images or events? Can you feel them? Notice how you connect to this field. Does it feel expanded and full? Or does it feel more like armor around you?

Now write down your triggers. What ticks you off? What gets your blood boiling? People, places, behaviors.  Whatever it is, just write it down like a stream of consciousness. There are going to be emotions attached to events that you've never allowed yourself to express. Whatever comes up in your healing experience -- from laughing or crying to being angry. Just release and flow.

As you build emotional awareness, this can help you to identify the emotions that are affecting you. This way, you don't have to store them in your mind or your body anymore.  

Whatever emotions that come up, know that this is wonderful. Embrace them. You are tapping in and releasing trapped energy. You're doing the work, and remember you are not your emotions; they are just part of your avatar. They're there to give you a message and move on. You don't have to be identified by them. 

Once you start to release these emotions, you may want to go back to rewriting some of your thoughts about yourself from Tip #1. Now you can begin to see how these three energetic layers connect in the space of awareness.

Tip #3

Now take your time with this one. Sit quietly with yourself. Notice where you are holding tension in your body, and gently place your hand on that spot.

Imagine loving light flowing from above your head down into your heart through to your arms and out your hands. (Be your own healer) allow whatever emotions to come up and out. You don't have to hold on to this tension anymore. It's like releasing that trapped bird and letting it fly away. You're removing trapped old energy by doing this. Take your time and allow your physical body to receive this upgrade. You may even feel lighter afterward. 

Please understand; we're just getting our feet wet here. Energetic light bodies are a vast topic to tackle. I wanted to show you a map of how you can unlock those memories that prevent you from a happy life. You can begin to release that old baggage and start to connect to the quantum field.

Why? Because the more light and love you bring into your body, your avatar, the stronger and more present you become. You're becoming less “matter’ and more “energy.” This is going to help you speed up and attract what you want.

I hope these simple exercises and tools help you to start to feel lighter and brighter in your life.

Remember, you are light having a human experience. You're not your body, your emotions, or your thoughts. I am sending you lots of love. If you want more information, I will make videos on each energetic layer to give you a deeper understanding. In the meantime, look around the website for other tools and information to help you on your journey.

Until next time, I'm Marisa Grieco, your Mystical Guide.

Have you ever caught movement out of the corner of your eye and it was so vivid that you swear you saw something? But when you looked, nothing was there?  Can you see colors around a person? Are you a serious daydreamer?  Well it’s not ADD, you might just be Clairvoyant! In this post, I'm going to give you some tips on how to strengthen that superpower of yours.

If you haven’t seen my introduction to the clairs video, go watch it here. You'll find that there is more than one Clair, but in this article, I want to concentrate on clairvoyance. When I first learned about this Clair,  I thought, darn it, “I don’t have this superpower at all.” I used to think that clairvoyant only meant I was supposed to "see" things in the physical world -- you know like those fantasy movies where a ghost shows up and starts spewing cool messages to reluctant recipients. The truth is that only a few people can see energy and spirits that way, the majority of us don’t.

Once I understood this, and more importantly, trusted it, I realized just how much I was actually seeing! It was so much easier now to get the messages I was seeking.  With some practice, my psychic superpower took off - like a witch on her broom. (Just kidding we drive sports cars now.)

So what did I do to build this connection? Here are 4 techniques I use to strengthen this psychic superpower of clairvoyance.

Watch My Video About 4 Tips to Develop your Clairvoyant Superpower

Take a moment to watch my video here about 4 Tips to Develop your Clairvoyant Superpower. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂


Number 1 - The Memory Game.

As a mom, I don’t get much alone time. My kids love to play games (as does my husband), so I incorporated my practice with their card games. Remember that memory card game we played as a kid?  The game where you place all of the cards face down, then flip over one at a time, trying to make matches?

This sort of card game is an excellent game to play when you want to become more clairvoyant.  As you are playing, try “seeing” each card in your mind’s eye. Take a moment, breath, concentrate, practice. Don’t be hard on yourself, you may suck in the beginning. Be kind. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Number 2 - Playing with Light.

For this one you get to lay down (you’re welcome). Once you are comfortable, place a clear quartz crystal over your third eye chakra. Breathing deeply, imagine a crystal ball at the centre of your head. Place a candle in the centre of this ball and then light it. (Remember you’re imagining this. You’re not actually lighting a candle on your head.)  Imagine this ball getting brighter and brighter with each breath. Now create a light tube traveling through your 3rd eye, front to back. Visualize another tube of white light running out the top of your head while the other end of the light tube is going through your entire body and out your root chakra. It's like you have an internal white cross pulsing through your body. Now, imagine your third eye opening up and seeing clearly. If you visualize this regularly, you’re putting energy behind your intention to open up your third eye and strengthen your superpower. And besides, you get to lay down for a second. (I keep the door locked so the kids can’t interrupt me.)

Number 3 - Balloons.

This one may seem strange at first, but the purpose is to improve your ability to clearly visualize what you want without your mind or your ego taking over all the time. In this exercise, visualize yourself holding seven balloons, each one a different color of the rainbow. Start with the red balloon and let it go. Watch it float up to the sky until the red balloon disappears, and then release the next one. Do this until all the balloons are gone. It’s not as easy as it sounds, is it? Good visualization takes practice.

Number 4 - Auras.

Practice this one on yourself. Sit in a dimly lit room and take a couple of deep breaths. Set your intention to see your own aura. It's important that you actually believe that this is something you can do. Take your index fingers and push them together. Rub them around together.  Aura is “sticky” so focus on the area between fingers as you continue to gently rub them. After a bit, pull your fingers apart, just a little. Focus intently on the space between your fingers and look for a colored a colored mist, or smoke, between your fingertips. It may not happen right away. Keep practicing and make sure to set your intentions. (Watch a video of me doing this here.)


So those are four exercises I use to strengthen my clairvoyant superpower. During your journey, it’s important to release any fears you may have with this psychic superpower. If there is a frightening image from your youth, you might have turned off your clairvoyant abilities to avoid this unpleasantry. You’ll have to nurture your inner child in order to reclaim your powers. And remember, your psychic superpower is always within you. If you see, or feel something that you don’t like when exploring this realm, then tell it to leave! It has to listen to you. Think of it as a cosmic law. If I see something I don’t like, I command it to leave.

So practice, practice, practice at visualization. This is key to the superpower of clairvoyance. The more often you try, the easier it becomes, but be benevolent with yourself in the early stages. Don’t be critical of your progress. AND trust. For one week, lose the negative talk, lose the doubt, and truly embrace your power. Ask your guides to help. Ask them for signs - everywhere, and then trust the messages you are receiving.

And don’t forget to tell me all about it in the comments below. Until next time, I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide.

Art by Marisa Grieco.

You’ve probably heard the term thrown around, whether from friends or your local yoga class, but what exactly IS it? Well, actually it's very simple. Your higher self is just a more evolved version of you, it’s the truest form of your being that is connected to the highest realm. I know, don’t get all bent out of shape with those terms. Your higher self is your hotline to the universe and everything the universe has to offer, no matter what you want to call that. It is anchored to your physical body and when listened to, it is a source of unlimited wisdom and knowledge. When you get right down to it, your higher self is that little positive-voice inside of you that guides you toward your life plan -- your passions.

So why is connecting to your higher self so important? Here are just a few of the benefits:

Sometimes this voice can get drowned out by unsure thoughts and fears. These could be your own thoughts, or even other people’s energy and words. (This includes friends and loved ones!) The conditioning we often grow up with disconnects us from the power from our higher self. You have to practice connecting to your higher self if you are going to ever drown out these unhelpful thoughts and feelings.  If you start with the basics, you’ll eventually see things manifest in your life and your intuition will blossom.

Now for the basics. How do you connect with your higher self?

Watch My Video About What is your higher self? Or should we say, who?

Take a moment to watch my video here about What is your higher self? Or should we say, who?. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

You can start with a meditation. It’s about giving yourself a chance to relax and keeping yourself open for communication. This is not an excuse for a nap, although who doesn’t like a nap now and then. This is an opportunity to make room for your higher self to speak. Your higher self vibrates at a slightly higher frequency than your physical body. The funny thing is that you have to slow down your own thoughts in order to raise your frequency. That’s what meditation does. So do it. Not right now. Finish the article first.

What do you need to connect?

  1. quiet place--even if it’s just for two minutes. 10 minutes is better, but take what you can get. For me it’s the laundry room or the closet - anywhere the kids don’t look for me. Get comfortable, close your eyes and start taking deep breaths in and out.  If your mind starts wandering don’t get upset, just gently keep bringing your attention back to your breathing.
  2. If you have a little more free time, try a warm bath with Epson Sea Salts. Again, relax, getting comfortable, and breath.
  3. Walk in nature. Disconnect. Clear your mind of all chitter-chatter. Again, remember to breathe. Get into your five senses. Feel the earth under your feet, smell the flowers, listen to the birds and admire the scenery.
  4. Open and clear your heart. Forgive all the people you are holding in this place, not for them, but for yourself. You’re not saying what they did, or said, was OK - that would give them more power. You simply let that energy go. Remember the heart can act as a bridge to your higher self. By connecting to a clear heart you bring up your natural vibration. I’m all about the quickest way to enlightenment.
  5. A notebook: During any of these exercises, you may start to feel warm and tingly. Your vibration is matching your higher self (unless you were touching yourself in the bath but that’s for another post). This is when inspiration may come to you. Your higher self has a message for you. ALWAYS write it down. Do not count on yourself to remember what your higher self says because it is easy to slip back into your limiting thoughts. Remember, your higher self always comes from love and it always feels good. I write everything down in my Moleskine notebook and I carry it everywhere. You can grab one here.
  6. I highly recommend the book “Hands of Light”, by Barbara Brennan. It’s full of great information as well as exercises that can help you explore a more mystical lifestyle. Buy it on Amazon here.

This is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to your higher self and these are just a few of the things I do that help me connect to my higher self. I’m still learning and would love to hear any tips or experiences you have when connecting to your higher self. So please share with our TRIBE in the comments so we can all learn and grow!

I Use These Tools to Connect to My Higher Self!

Get them here and support the site!

Hands of Light

I love this book. It's packed with great information and exercises to help you understand your higher self and so much more.  Click on the image or the link below to get your own copy.

Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field

Keep a Notebook Close!

You need to be ready when you connect to your higher self. Don't trust yourself to remember those pearls of wisdom. Jot them down right away. I use this notebook all the time. It fits in my purse and even the pocket of my mom jeans. I take it everywhere. Click on the image or get it here.

Dr. Teal's Epson Salt

Yes, there are very expensive bath salts in pretty bottles out there. They look nice in your bathroom, but I don't like what they do to my pocketbook. These are inexpensive and still amazing. I use this kind, but there are other fragrances. Check them out by clicking the image or here.

Let’s face it, some days I wake up and I just feel… off. And so I gulp down some coffee (or a mimosa – just kidding), but that doesn’t seem to help. Food’s not going to work because breakfast feels like a chore. The day hasn’t even started yet and I just want to go back to sleep. Do you feel me?

So where’s that funky feeling coming from? It’s from your energy field.

What exactly is that you may ask? Think of your energy field as the vibrations that your thoughts and actions give off in the universe. Still don't get it? Then imagine yourself as a radio station -- the perfect radio station where you can choose any song you want to play. Your brain is like that radio station. When you choose positive thoughts, it feels like you're playing the perfect song. The perfect song raises your vibration and immediately makes you feel better. When it’s good, it feels like you can't play your song loud enough. The same is true, however, when you have negative thoughts. It’s like the radio station in your head started playing the Chicken Dance song. You suddenly want to stop dancing. Your energy field is lowered and you feel like crap. It’s that simple.


Sometimes I have a critic attack before going to sleep. I wake up in the morning and my energy field picks up where I left it, trolling through the garbage of my emotions. It’s the worst song for me to be listening too and it’s way too loud. I can’t switch that dial fast enough. I start feeling cranky and frustrated and the coffee, or food, is doing nothing for me.

The good news is, you are the creator of your own life and that dial is always accessible to you. It is in your hand rolling along your fingertips. So change it. The first thing in the morning is the perfect time to find the right song and start raising your vibration. Make a commitment to yourself and meditate for 5 or10 minutes right when you get up. That always helps me. You must stop playing the old woe-is-me me song. Change it right now! You deserve it! Start playing your favorite song -- all the time. With this simple practice, you are going to start seeing a positive change in your life.

Watch My Video About How Our Thoughts Create Our Energy Field.

Take a moment to watch my video here about How Our Thoughts Create Our Energy Field.. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

You know that saying “like attracts like?” It’s true! So if you’re a negative person, you’re going to attract more negative people. If you’re thinking negative thoughts about yourself or others you’re going to attract people that have a similar vibration.

Which means if you want to change, your gonna have to stop that. You will receive resistance from those who want to hang out and be negative, but you must.

This means I need to tell you something you probably won’t like… gossiping is bad for your energy field. I get it -- when we’re all together sharing all those juicy details; it feels kind of powerful to have all this knowledge. *cue evil laugh*

But it’s bad for us. It lowers your vibration and weakens your energy field. It’s easy to get sucked in, but you must have discipline of mind. Most of us already carry around a tidbit of negativity, so when we add the negativity of those around us, it only brings us down. With practice, you will have an even better experience, I promise you. 


You’ll discuss positive things – your dreams, your passions, and your powers! It takes the same amount of effort, but in the end, you will feel empowered. Your heart will be open and you will feel the higher vibration in everything you do.

Now for all of us who may still have a hard time thinking positive thoughts about ourselves, or seem to be waking up on the wrong side of the bed more often than not, next week I’ll talk about how to clean up your energy field. And I promise, there’s no broom needed.

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