In today’s fast-paced world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the energy around us, especially in places like the DMV, where stress and anxiety can run high. If you’ve ever found yourself suddenly feeling anxious or off-balance without a clear reason, you might be absorbing the energy of those around you. Resetting your energy field is crucial to maintain your authentic vibration and avoid being influenced by external emotions. In this post, I’ll share a simple yet effective technique that you can use to reset your energy field, no matter where you are.

The DMV Experience: Recognizing Energetic Influence

Recently, I found myself at the DMV to renew my driver’s license. I walked in feeling fantastic—my favorite songs were still playing in my head, and I was confident I’d be in and out quickly. But as soon as I stepped inside, I was hit by an overwhelming heaviness, like a dark cloud hanging over the room. It didn’t take long for this energy to affect me. My solar plexus started buzzing with nervousness, and I began to feel as if I had forgotten something important. I checked my paperwork and reassured myself that everything was in order, yet the feeling persisted.

That’s when I realized—I wasn’t nervous because of anything I’d done. I was absorbing the anxious energy of the people around me, many of whom were there for their driving tests or other stressful tasks. My body was acting like a tuning fork, picking up and matching the frequency of the room.

Grounding and Resetting: The Technique

Once I understood what was happening, I knew I had to reset my energy. Here’s the simple technique I used, which you can try the next time you find yourself in a similar situation:

  1. Grounding Your Root Chakra: Start by grounding your root chakra to the center of the Earth. Imagine a grounding cord connecting you to the Earth’s core, allowing all the dense energy you’ve picked up to flow down and release.
  2. Connecting to Cosmic Energy: Open your crown chakra and connect to cosmic energy. Visualize a waterfall of light flowing through you, washing away any negative energy and sending it down to the Earth.
  3. Balancing Your Chakras: Next, focus on each chakra, starting with the one that feels most off-balance. For me, it was my solar plexus. I visualized fresh energy flowing into it, cleansing and balancing it. You can do this for each chakra or just focus on the one that needs attention.
  4. Creating a Protective Energy Field: Once your chakras are balanced, imagine a rainbow torus field surrounding you. This protective energy field will help maintain your vibration and keep external influences at bay.

The Power of Intention: Staying True to Your Frequency

As I stood in the DMV, resetting my energy field, I felt like a superhero. Despite the heavy, anxious atmosphere around me, I was able to maintain my calm and stay in my happy place. This experience reminded me that we have the power to choose how we feel, regardless of what’s happening around us.

If you don’t have time for a full energy reset, simply pause, take a deep breath, and mentally command your energy to reset. Visualize your energy field clearing, and remember—you are not your body, your thoughts, or your emotions. You are light, and you have the power to shine brightly no matter where you are.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Power

The ability to reset your energy field is always within you. Whether you’re at the DMV, in a crowded place, or just having a tough day, you can choose to maintain your frequency and stay true to your authentic self. The next time you feel off-balance, take a moment to ground, connect, and reset. Your energy is your own, and with practice, you can keep it that way.

Until next time, remember to shine your light brightly.

— Marisa Greco, Your Mystical Guide

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Alright, beautiful souls, let me tell you—embarking on the adventure of understanding your soul’s energy? It’s like stepping into an exciting cosmic playground filled with endless possibilities! I can’t even begin to describe the thrill I feel when working with my clients, diving into the essence of who they truly are. It’s exhilarating! Once we start peeling back the layers—those masks we all wear in our human experience—we uncover something extraordinary: your unique, divine self. And trust me, it’s mind-blowing every single time.

In my sessions, I often meet incredible souls who’ve absorbed so much energy from others that they forget who they really are. It’s like we’re peeling away the layers of an onion, one at a time until we reveal that glowing core. And let me tell you, sometimes we unveil the most magnificent angelic energy. I’ve seen clients reconnect with wings they didn’t even know they had! Some souls can effortlessly transcend to other dimensions, bringing back knowledge and wisdom that leaves us in awe. Then, there are those who are so deeply rooted in our planet that it feels like Mother Earth herself speaks through them. These Earth-bound souls have a connection to the planet that goes beyond the ordinary—it’s like they are the Earth.

So, this article is your invitation to dive in and explore which of these soul concepts resonates most with you. Understanding your soul’s essence can help you feel more grounded and connected right here on Earth. So, let’s jump in and explore three distinct types of soul energy: Earth-Based Souls, Interplanetary Souls, and Angelic Souls. Each one has its own special vibe, and as you read, see which one speaks to that inner part of you.

Earth-Based Souls

Now, if you’re an Earth-Based Soul, you probably feel a deep, rooted connection to this planet. Inspired by the enlightening work of Michael Newton, these souls have spent lifetime after lifetime right here on Earth, soaking up all those human experiences, challenges, and lessons like a sponge. It’s like they’ve composed this beautiful symphony with their lives, carefully choosing each note—every hardship and every triumph—to grow and evolve spiritually. Pretty cool, right?

Qualities of Earth-Based Souls:

Grounded Presence: Earth-based souls have this incredible, grounded energy. You know that feeling when you’re around someone who just makes you feel steady like they’ve got both feet planted firmly on the ground? That’s them. They have this way of navigating life that feels stable, practical, and really in tune with the physical world. If you need a reliable, down-to-earth companion, these are your people!

Nature’s Stewards: These souls have a strong, almost instinctual call to protect and care for our beautiful planet. They understand the delicate balance between humanity and the Earth, and they live in alignment with that understanding. You’ll often find Earth-Based Souls involved in sustainability efforts, eco-conscious living, or simply showing deep respect for all forms of life.

Empathy and Nurturing: Earth-Based Souls are like the fertile soil we plant seeds in—they nurture, support, and help others grow. They’re the ones who feel deeply and connect with people on an emotional level, always ready with comfort, understanding, and open arms. Their empathy runs deep, and they often act as the foundation that others lean on.

Spiritual Connection: Even though they’re super connected to the material world, Earth-Based Souls haven’t lost sight of the bigger picture. They see the interconnectedness of all life and often feel a spiritual connection to the cosmos through nature. Whether it’s watching a sunset or planting a garden, they find spiritual meaning in the beauty around them and are often drawn to eco-conscious activities or holistic healing.

Interplanetary Souls

Now, let’s turn up the beat and dive into the realm of Interplanetary Souls, often known as Starseeds. Imagine yourself as a cosmic traveler, a being who hails from advanced civilizations in the universe and chooses to incarnate on Earth to assist in its evolution. How exciting is that? With this mission, you bring adaptability and innovation to your earthly journey, lighting up the world with your unique energy!

Qualities of Interplanetary Souls:

Cosmic Curiosity: If you resonate with this energy, you likely have an insatiable curiosity about the cosmos. It’s like a fire inside you, propelling you to seek higher truths and broader perspectives. You’re the explorer of existence, diving into diverse interests like spirituality, science, and philosophy, always hungry for more knowledge!

Adaptability and Innovation: Drawing from your cosmic journeys, you carry an adaptable and innovative mindset that shapes your earthly experiences. You’re a visionary! The ideas you bring can bridge the gap between terrestrial and extraterrestrial realms, paving the way for new paradigms in thinking. How amazing is it to think that your unique contributions can shift consciousness?

Universal Love: Interplanetary Souls have a heart that extends love and compassion beyond the confines of Earth. You recognize the universal essence in all beings, fostering unity and cooperation on a cosmic scale. Your relationships reflect this beautiful perspective as you seek to connect with individuals from all walks of life, celebrating our shared existence.

Guided by Cosmic Purpose: Deeply attuned to your cosmic purpose, you feel compelled to share transcendent wisdom that often surpasses earthly knowledge. You act as a guide for others on their spiritual journeys, encouraging them to look beyond the physical realm and tap into their innate potential. Your light is a beacon for those seeking clarity and direction!

Angelic Souls

Now, let the celestial melodies flow as we explore Angelic Souls—those radiant beings emanating from the angelic realm. These souls, as revealed by various spiritual teachings, serve as musical messengers of light, spreading compassion and guidance with their divine energy. Picture yourself as a beacon of hope, radiating divine compassion that fosters peace and tranquility wherever you go.

Qualities of Angelic Souls:

Divine Compassion: If you embody the energy of an Angelic Soul, you radiate divine compassion, inspiring kindness and creating harmonious environments. You bring peace and tranquility wherever you go, embodying the essence of unconditional love. Your mere presence has a calming effect on those around you, making you a natural healer and mediator.

Intuitive Guidance: With an innate intuition, you provide invaluable guidance and support to others. Acting as a beacon of hope, you offer insights that illuminate the paths of those around you, helping them navigate life’s challenges with grace and understanding. You shine a light on their journey, reminding them they are not alone.

Transcendent Wisdom: Angelic Souls carry wisdom that transcends earthly knowledge, serving as conduits for divine messages. Your insights offer profound guidance on spiritual journeys, helping others find clarity and direction. Tapping into higher frequencies, you help others elevate their consciousness, and isn’t that a beautiful gift to share?

Healers of Light: Associated with healing energies, Angelic Souls bring comfort to those in pain. The healing light you carry facilitates emotional and physical well-being, helping individuals restore balance in their lives. You’re like a soothing balm for the soul, bringing healing to those in need.

As we explore the beautiful tapestry of Earth-Based, Interplanetary, and Angelic Souls, I invite you to reflect on which qualities resonate with your inner self. Are you grounded in the natural world, soaring through cosmic realms, or shining brightly with divine compassion? Embrace the diversity of the soul's journey, recognizing that your essence is a complex and beautiful part of the cosmic tapestry of existence.


Understanding your soul's energy can be a transformative experience, my friends. By exploring these three unique soul types, you not only uncover aspects of your own identity but also gain insights into how you can navigate your life more effectively. Whether you resonate more with the nurturing energy of Earth-Based Souls, the cosmic curiosity of Interplanetary Souls, or the divine compassion of Angelic Souls, remember that you are an integral part of this universe.

As you continue your exploration, keep in mind that you are not alone. We are all interconnected, and the energy we share can uplift and support one another. So, let’s dive deeper into the vast ocean of our souls and discover the wonders that await us! Your journey to uncover your soul's energy is just beginning, and the cosmic possibilities are endless!

Remember, the adventure is not just about discovering who you are; it’s about embracing the magic of your existence. Let your soul sing, dance, and thrive as you explore the depths of your energy! This is your time, beautiful soul. Shine on!

You might have heard me talking about cords or tentacles in my other blogs. I’m not talking about power cords, or octopus, octupses? Octopies? Who knows how to spell them. No, I’m referring to the way we tap into each other, energetically. This is very natural, and we do it all the time. In fact, this is how some of us get our information about each other.

As a mom, I can easily tap into my daughters and experience how they are feeling. Some of us don’t even realize we’re doing it. But the problems begin when you forget to take your cords out of someone and return to your own center. Or, you don’t realize that you have even been corded!

This is where shit goes wrong.

In this blog, we’re going to learn how to identify these leftover cords and how to release them before they start hurting and depleting your own energetic field.

Have you ever had the experience where you are just chillin’ and suddenly you get this surge of energy or a surge of pain out of nowhere? This is often followed by a strong emotion. Well, you’re not crazy, and once you identify it’s not a heart attack, it may be that someone just plugged into your energy field or they just activated the cord that was already tethered to you. I see this all the time with my clients who are stuck in controlling relationships either with a loved one or a family member.

Now before you get your panties in a knot, I want you to know that these cords are simply invisible strands of energy that connect you to other people, places, and things.  These cords are not part of your own conscious mind but exist at the subconscious and unconscious levels.

How to Identify Energetic Cords

You can’t see them with your physical eyes, obviously, but they affect your life just the same. So, if you’re very sympathetic towards people, you’re likely cording them all the time. The problem is that when you do this, you may feel responsible for their needs. You are drawn into their concerns, and your energy will start to match theirs. This can really make you feel confused and even spun out because you’re picking up someone else’s life lessons, messages, and emotions.

And they won’t make any sense to you because they’re not yours!

You have no context for them, but they feel real just the same. That’s why you want to gently remove them once you get the information you were looking for. Don’t just walk away when you’re still plugged in!

Now some cords are positive and feel good. It’s the way we connect with our loved ones.

If you are in a romantic relationship with someone you may find that you are connected to the heart and sacral chakras.

You know, love and sex.

A parent may cord their children in their root chakra to help them survive. Even your pets can cord you. Letting you know when they’re hungry, or it’s time for you to come home and let them out.

Mine does it at two in the morning. I might buy a box of Depends for the damn dog. 

But it’s when these cords become sticky, tangled, and filled with negative intent, that they can start to hurt you. They make you feel depleted, confused, even controlled. But understand, no one can put a cord into your field without your consent.

This is the hard part to understand.

At some level, you are willing to give them permission. If it feels negative and heavy, and you let it happen, it’s probably tied to an old program or belief that you are holding on to. For example, if you’re letting your partner control you, then you may be fulfilling an old belief that loved ones are allowed to do this. Maybe this was an agreement you made with one of your parents or you saw them make this agreement with each other. Jump to your current self and you may find out that you accepted this cord from your partner because of this old belief system.

The farther you travel on your healing journey, the more you’ll realize that you no longer want some of these cords in your field, especially if they are making you feel sick, heavy, and tired.

An Important Tip

We can’t just cut these cords because, in the energetic realm, you’ll start to look like a wounded octopus with all these tentacles flailing about your field leaking your vital energy. Instead, we want to gently retract the cords keeping your energy intact.

So how do we do this? I like to use visualization when I’m meditating to clear these cords out of my energy. Visualizations are very powerful in self-healing. I set my intention to "de-cord" myself from others whenever I feel drained and depleted.

I want to call back all my energy clean and clear. 

Stop Being Controlled By Others | Removing Cords

Watch my video about removing energetic cords. Learn how to identify, locate and remove these cords and live a happier life.

When I do this, sometimes a person’s face pops up into my mind’s eye. I take this as a sign that this person has a cord in me. If it feels good, I leave it in. If not, I remove it. If no one pops up, I often find a cord by scanning my body along my chakras using my hand.

People say that the first five chakras are the ones that get corded the most. That makes sense because they’re connected to your survival, sexual energy, power, love, and self-expression.

If you find that you have problems with your personal boundaries, that may mean that your eighth chakra has been corded by someone.

Anyway, back to the de-cording.

How to Find a Cord

While I’m slowly running my hands along my chakras, I’m looking for any sensation of temperature differences.  If I feel this, it tells me I have some work to do - at that point. It might not be a temperature change. It can also feel like a denseness or even a tingle in your hand. This tells me I found a cord.

Now the cord can feel thick and coarse or thin and wispy, it doesn’t matter-- but like roots from a tree, some can be deep and tricky to remove.

Removing Energetic Cords Marisa Grieco

How to Remove the Cord

Now, remember you’re not cutting it or yanking it out. Instead, energetically begin to visualize twisting the cord at the level of your skin, almost playing with, twirling it, moving it from side to side, giving it room to slip out, tugging ever so gently when you feel it start to give.

Once it slides out, I visualize tying a knot at the end of the cord and sending it back to its owner. Then I place my hand over the spot where the cord once was and I visualize gold light soothing and healing the wound.

Sometimes it can be tougher than that to remove a cord. If you’re having trouble I have more tips and exercises in my membership that can help you, so feel free to head over there.

You Can Learn A Lot About Your Relationships

Now depending on which chakra has been corded, it can tell you a lot about your relationship with this person. If someone is not being authentically loving in a relationship, you may find that the energetic cord goes into the heart chakra down along the spine and is grounded in your solar plexus.

Your power center.

This is someone that manipulates love and power, and I see this a lot with my clients. The partner strengthens the cord by saying things like, “if you do this or act this way I will love you”. You may even feel your stomach tighten when they are around you.

I’ve seen cords enter one place and go all the way to your sacral chakra cutting off your creativity or blocking your sexual energy.

Once again, these are just a few examples and tips to open up your awareness of the energetic cords. If you would like to know more check out my guided meditations to help you, and maybe some worksheets too. I hope some of this makes you realize you are so much more than your physical body and that all those feelings and messages that you’re picking up, may not even be yours.

Until next time, I’m Marisa Grieco Your Mystical Guide

We can see physical boundaries everywhere in life: this is my country, this is my house, this is my side of the bed, that’s my vibrator. You get the idea, but we rarely talk about our spiritual or energetic boundaries—what I like to call our little “cocoon.” Most of us don’t even know this space exists, let alone that we have the power to control it. That’s where the magic happens, my friend!

In this post, we're going to learn what your spiritual boundary is and how to create one. Because if we want to thrive in this chaotic world, we need to protect our energy and learn how to draw those invisible lines. So, let’s dive in.

Before Boundaries: The Soup of Life

Before I started this spiritual journey, I had no concept of boundaries. Heck, I’m Italian! We function and live in a giant bowl of soup—minestrone, to be exact. In my family, we feel everything. We sense each other’s moods, predict everyone’s next move, and live in this collective energy field. The only time I ever saw anyone establish a boundary was when they were pissed off. Then the walls would go up, and no one was getting in—or out. But come dinnertime, the walls would crumble, and we’d all get back to our happy place. Because, let’s be honest, who wants to waste a fantastic meal in a crappy mood?

In some ways, living like this can feel very fulfilling. You’re never alone, and that can be comforting. It’s especially satisfying when everyone’s having a good time—laughing, gossiping, playing cards, and, of course, planning the next meal. But here’s the thing: when someone in the “soup” starts sinking to the bottom, we all feel it. And that’s when things can go south.

That’s why creating spiritual and energetic boundaries is so essential. It’s a game changer! Instead of feeling like you’re getting pulled down into someone else’s drama, you can remain the sturdy potato or carrot in the soup. You don’t have to be the soggy pea at the bottom of the bowl! (Okay, okay, enough with the soup metaphors.)

Watch My Video About Boundaries You Didn’t Know You Needed

Take a moment to watch my video here about Boundaries You Didn’t Know You Needed.. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

What Exactly Are Spiritual Boundaries?

So, what are spiritual boundaries? Think of them as your invisible force field—a shield made of light that helps you contain your energy and keep unwanted vibes out. These boundaries aren't just about keeping people away, though. They allow you to maintain your emotional balance, even when the world around you is swirling with chaos.

It’s like saying “no” energetically, without having to say a word. Imagine how powerful that is! When you establish these boundaries, you get to control what you let in and what you keep out. You’ll no longer feel overwhelmed by other people's emotions, their bad moods, or even their gossip.

Step 1: Tune Into Your Own Energy

The first step to creating spiritual boundaries is becoming familiar with your own energy. How can you set boundaries if you don’t even know what your energy feels like? Here’s how to get started:

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Sit down, relax, and take a few deep breaths. Release any tension in your body. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is to tune into your own frequency.
  2. Meditate: Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow your awareness to drop into your body, and notice how you feel. Do you sense any tingling, warmth, or even colors in your mind’s eye? This is your energy.
  3. Scan Your Body: Imagine scanning your body, starting from your feet and moving up through your chakras. Check each energy center to see if anything feels “off” or if you notice someone else's energy lurking there. (It happens!)

For example, let’s say I’m focusing on my root chakra at the base of my spine, and suddenly, I see an image of my nosy neighbor (who’s always asking for favors). Well, she’s not supposed to be there! Time to clear that energy out.

Step 2: Purge Unwanted Energies

Once you’ve identified that someone else’s energy has crept into your field, it’s time to purge. I like to imagine the energy as a gray mist. Visualize that mist leaving your body, flowing out of your energy field, and dissolving into nothing. Continue this process until you feel lighter and brighter.

Repeat this with all your chakras, from root to crown. Once you’re clear, it’s time to bring in some good vibes.

Step 3: Call in Your Own Energy

Now that you’ve cleared out any energetic intruders, it’s time to fill yourself up with your own light. Imagine a beautiful, golden light pouring in through the top of your head, filling every inch of your body. Let this light radiate out into your aura, creating a glowing cocoon around you. This is your energetic boundary—your safe space.

I like to take it a step further and imagine an object just outside my aura. It could be anything—a tree, a crystal, or even a piece of jewelry. This item acts as a visual reminder of where my energy ends and someone else’s begins.

Step 4: Maintain Your Boundaries Without Fear

I prefer to think of this process as boundary-setting rather than protection. When I focus on protection, it feels like I’m expecting an attack. That’s not how I want to live my life! Setting a boundary, on the other hand, comes from a place of empowerment. It’s about containing your own energy, not living in fear of what’s out there.

Tips for Strengthening Your Spiritual Boundaries

  1. Daily Energy Cleansing: Make energy cleansing part of your daily routine. Just like brushing your teeth, it’s essential to keep your aura sparkling clean. Try a quick meditation or visualization every morning to clear out any lingering energy from the day before.
  2. Mantras and Affirmations: Repeat a mantra or affirmation to strengthen your boundaries. I love saying, “I am light, I am whole, I am protected.” It helps keep my energy focused and aligned.
  3. Physical Boundaries Help Too!: Sometimes, we need physical boundaries to support our energetic ones. If you find yourself overwhelmed in a crowded space or around certain people, don’t hesitate to take a step back or politely excuse yourself. You’re allowed to have space, both physically and energetically.
  4. Ground Yourself: Grounding is key to keeping your boundaries intact. When you feel frazzled or scattered, plant your feet on the earth (or imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the ground). This keeps you centered and helps to reinforce your boundaries.

Embrace Your Cocoon of Light

Creating spiritual boundaries allows you to stay centered and aligned with your true self, no matter what’s happening around you. Remember, you are not your thoughts, your emotions, or your body—you are pure light, and your energy deserves to be protected and nurtured.

If you’re looking for more support or want to dive deeper into energy work, check out my guided meditations and worksheets available on my website. They’re free for anyone in my mystical membership, and they’re a great way to start establishing your boundaries with ease.

Until next time, I’m Marisa Grieco, your mystical guide. Shine on!

Do you ever feel like your brain is so full that you're about to explode? As if the simplest things seem to feel like they are moving farther and farther away from you? You're not going crazy -- okay maybe a little - but aren’t we all? This feeling, this sense of bewilderment, just might be your Earth Star Chakra. It could be clogged. Stay with me and in this post, I’m gonna show you how to clear, connect and reactivate this chakra. 

I don't know about you, but recently I found myself walking into rooms and forgetting why I even went in there. Or I put my phone down or my keys somewhere, and suddenly, I can't figure out where I put them. I start to feel overwhelmed. My emotions, anxieties, my frustrations all start bubbling up. And I even have physical sensations. My knees and hips are sore, I’m bumping into things. I know, it sounds like a combination of ADD, old age, and day drinking. But it’s not. I discovered that my earth star chakra was blocked. And when I cleared it, a lot of this went away.

If any of this resonates with you, it might be that your earth star chakra is disconnected, blocked, or just simply underused. Let me share what I did to connect and activate this earth star chakra -- as soon as I find where I put my coffee. 

First, what the hell is the Earth Star Chakra and why might I just be hearing about this for the first time? Well, it's probably because you're ready!

The earth star chakra is actually not located in your physical body but around 6 to 12 inches below your feet, in the etheric realm (the first or lowest layer in the "human energy field" or aura. It is said to be in immediate contact with the physical body, to sustain it and connect it with "higher" bodies). 

The Earth Star chakra helps you to ground your entire chakra system and your energetic light bodies into the planet. I know! Who knew?

Activating this chakra creates the strongest foundation for you to properly lift and connect with your higher self and the higher dimensions. It is so powerful that it has its own magnetic force that pulls down these higher frequencies into your light body. As you expand energetically and surrender your old ways of being, whether that's an old belief, an old program, or simply other people's energy you will become brighter. The brighter you become, the more in sync you become with the natural heartbeat of the Earth, and the faster you will manifest your dreams. So start to get clear on your intentions and release your old baggage, cause it doesn’t serve you anymore. Baby things are gonna speed up- energy, vibration, and frequency determine everything.

Watch My Video About Unblock your Earth Star Chakra

Take a moment to watch my video here about Unblock your Earth Star Chakra. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

Now as you start having more energy and light coming into your physical body things are gonna start to shift. You're getting an upgrade! Your DNA, your bones, cells, and even your nervous system. That's why this takes some time, you are adjusting. You're becoming one with your light body. How fun is that? It's all starting to make sense now.

Not too fast though, you may experience some side effects.

Nothing to worry about, but just be aware of what's going on. Of course, if you're having serious health issues go see your doctor. 

Some of the things that I experienced were tingling and twitching in the legs, especially at night- super fun for my husband. It can help to have a weighted blanket...(cause you're finally getting the energy moving..Yay) Then I experienced either hot flashes or getting super cold almost like having a 24-hour flu. But I was just releasing old programs that came up. I also became more aware of belief patterns that weren’t exactly mine but were passed down from my ancestors. I’m mean I know they meant well, but...c'mon!

The cool thing is, you no longer have to be trapped in this loop de loop. You can heal and clear this dense energy.  It’s just not good for you anymore. Trust that if it's loving and important it will come back. 

I know, exciting, huh?

So how do we balance our earth star chakra? Well, it’s pretty simple, actually- through intention, movement, and meditation.


An easy thing to start with is to just get outside!  Set the intention that you would like to connect with the earth star chakra. It's that easy. Take 4 deep breaths and bring your focus to the bottoms of your feet. Feel each foot as its energy expands down into the earth star. Like the roots of a tree. Connecting to a beach ball. Feel the energy and deepen your connection. You are starting to awaken a new energetic point in your field.


Try Yoga or qigong. I like the Mountain Pose. It's simple and easy - just stand with both feet planted firmly on the ground. Lift from the top of your head and ground through your feet; firm up your thighs, spread your toes gently and press your shoulders back. Stand like this for about 30 seconds to a minute. Feel or imagine  your energy connecting to the Earth Star chakra.

You could also get a foot massage. Just ask your kids, or husband, or if all else fails, your neighbor. LOL


Sit quietly and visualize your column of light coming down from the cosmos through your higher chakras going down into the top of your head, through the center of your body, and out the base of your spine to the earthstar chakra. Imagine your earth star chakra becoming brighter and brighter as you bring energy and light to this center. Then allow  the column of light to go  through each layer of the earth until it reaches the iron core.  Notice how this new connection has anchored your entire energy system into the earth. Now that you're plugged in, feel how much more light you can hold in and around your body. Pretty amazing isn't it?


Listening to 68.05Hz sounds.

This is the Earth Star chakra's frequency. By playing music on this frequency you can stimulate its growth and activation. I like to use a headset.

Before we jump in, I know a lot of us like our crystals as well. I listed a few that may help you to connect and visualize your earth star chakra. Here are just a few examples- Obsidian, black tourmaline, Jet, Amber, Clear quartz, Aqua quartz, and the Merkaba star crystal. But again, do what resonates for you. 

I hope this helped you get a little more grounded. If you would like to take this process a step deeper, you can download the corresponding worksheets and a guided meditation. They are all available for immediate download on my website. 

Until next time, 

I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide

Welcome back everybody, I’m so happy you're here. Today we are going to talk about the Heart Chakra, aka the love machine. The Bridge between our two worlds. We're going to learn how to unlock this bridge and remove the troll that has kept our spiritual knowledge and our physical needs separate.  In this post, I‘m going to share tips and tricks that helped me to override my past programming and get this energy moving. Let's get started.

Have you ever tried to hug a porcupine? No, of course not. Imagine that's what it's like when your heart chakra is closed- you want love, you want affection, but you just can’t seem to give it to yourself or others because something keeps getting in the way. You may start to feel harsh and judgmental. And forgiveness is definitely not an option. I’ve built up these beliefs that make sure I stay closed, I stay protected. Nothing is getting in and unfortunately, that means that nothing is able to get out either. At first, I felt okay with this agreement. But once the dust started to settle, I felt trapped and alone, turning me into a lonely porcupine (and not the cute little baby kind).

Today, that ends. I’m picking up my mystical hammer and together we are bringing down the old programs and those beliefs so we can reconnect to this incredible frequency that this center has to offer us!!!  Because we deserve it! Now, where's that hammer? 

Watch My Video About Tips to Help Unblock Your Heart Chakra

Take a moment to watch my video here about Tips to Help Unblock Your Heart Chakra. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

So what is the heart chakra?

The heart chakra is your fourth energy center that is located in your chest. It is associated with the color green, which represents transformation, love and healing. The color is just a reflection of the vibration of this center.

When the heart chakra is open and in alignment you will feel supported by love, compassion and joy. You're going to have a connection to the world around you. Your relationships are healthy and strong, and you won’t have a hard time receiving. 

Now for me this center had a lot of red tape. I had a lot of programs of what love, relationships and receiving were about and what they were supposed to look like; and being open was not one of them.

That’s why I would like to focus on this center just being your bridge. Connecting you to the physical world with all its power and the spiritual with all of its gifts and knowledge. This helped me to override all the symptoms of a blocked heart chakra.

What are the symptoms of a blocked heart chakra?

So, what are the signs of a blocked heart chakra? And how do you go about unblocking it?

Even though this center is all about love and forgiveness, I was like...forget about it. Nothing is getting into this center. If you're feeling guarded like me, have high expectations of others or feel lonely, you might have a blocked heart chakra. If you find that you hold a grudge for a long time, or if jealousy takes you over, guess what, you might have a blocked heart chakra. If you are constantly dwelling on past relationships and events or depend on others for guessed it! You might have a blocked heart chakra. Wait a minute, this is starting to kind of sound like my!

Well if any of this resonates with you, you're not a jerk. You just have a blocked heart chakra. And we're gonna open it up... Or at least try to...just a little.

Soulution (not a typo...see what I did there?!)

I’m going to share with you what I did to open up this center.

I found at first when I had to look at the list of people I had to forgive or the amount of programs I had to go through, I thought this is going to take years! I was scared shitless of opening up this landmine. I didn’t know what was going to set me off, and the thought of opening up this center was scary for me.

Start with this simple meditation, where I treat my heart chakra as a bridge.

This helped me to get the energy moving.

Close your eyes.

Visualize the top of your head opening up and a column of light coming in through traveling all the way through your heart space (your bridge). The column of light keeps traveling down, past your bridge, all the way out through your root chakra, out your legs, all the way into the center of the earth.

Visualize the light anchoring in this space.

Now visualize energy (which I see as liquid gold), coming up from the center of the earth, coming up along that column of light. Have it stop at your heart center (aka bridge) and visualize the liquid gold mixing with the bright white light. 

Allow this mixture to clean and clear out all those old programs.

Release them and watch them float away.

Visualize them going out the front and out the back of your body. Keep releasing these old programs and watching them float away.

Think of this space as high energy where cosmic energy (high frequency) and earth energy meet.

Feel this flow of energy move through you from your head to your toes. 

Reclaim this space.

I like to do this either during my morning meditation or before bed. I feel like this gets my energy moving.

When you’re living in that body, within that limited space, you’re in that third dimension and the third dimension is the physical. Right? The logical mind, the emotional and the physical body. Now there’s nothing wrong with that, but if you’re not connected to that higher frequency coming in, you’re missing out on where you get your creative impulses, that feeling of oneness.

Even when we think we’re falling in love with somebody else, really what we’re doing is opening up that valve and giving ourselves permission to feel that flow of energy. Forget about everyone else. This isn’t about anyone but you. 

Opening up this center unlocks your mystical gifts, happiness, and healthy relationships. But again, the first healthy relationship is with YOU! You have boundaries and you are containing that love, so it doesn’t matter if that person walks in that you don’t like, or if I don’t care what someone else is doing, it doesn’t affect how I feel.

The second thing you’re going to find interesting is when you start to live this way, those people aren’t going to bother you anymore, because you’re actually going to see them with more compassion and more love since you’re not letting their energy affect yours.

Don’t be hard on yourself at the beginning. This is a process. We’re constantly working on opening up this chakra. So take your time and enjoy the journey.

One other simple tip I will tell you, and I have my kids do this every night before bed. Think of three people you love. Think of three people that love you. And think of three things you saw throughout your day that made you happy. And the cool thing about this exercise is that if after a while you run out of things that are beautiful or you forget who else loves you, your mind will start to automatically answer these for you. Throughout your day you will realize, oh yeah, I love that person, I’ll put them on my list tonight. And it’s funny how then we are able to give love a little more freely. We don’t have to say, “hold up, I’m not sure I am ready to put you on that love list yet.” But instead it becomes reflections of ourselves and other people. It’s okay to love and to have this feeling flowing.

I hope some of this resonated with you. Again, I want you to know that you are not alone. We’re all going through this process together. We all have emotions, we all have problems and we all have blocks. And that’s okay. 

If you have any tips, exercises or rituals that you do to help you unlock this heart chakra, let me know in the comments or better yet, come join my tribe over in the Mystical Circle where we can dive in deeper together!

Until then I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide

Is your living space a friggin’ mess? Can you sense the pile of laundry, even though you’re downstairs? Wait! I’m not going to tell you to go upstairs and tackle all those chores right now. That's what maids are for. I mean, that’s whatkids are for. But I will start by saying maintaining  a clean, fresh, living space will help your Clairsentience to flourish. Join me in this blog post as we’re going to learn what it means to be clairsentient and how to activate it.

Clairsentient. What does it mean? Well it actually means: “Clear Feeling”. And it’s not some wooji wooji thing about a spooky paranormal power, in fact it's a natural and divine ability that lives within all of us.

You already use your five senses- smell, taste, hearing, touch, and sight. They help you process your physical world but your 6th sense helps you understand how energy plays in this realm. And we know everything is energy, so it makes sense that we have the ability to feel this. We hear people talking about gut feelings or sensing something is not right…this is clairsentience.

In my modeling days, I was always traveling to a new country with new customs, most of which I didn’t know. And I would rely on my clairsentience to keep me safe. I can remember times where I was so exhausted and lost (this was way before smart phones and google), I had to rely on folded foreign maps, and foreign bus schedules. It wasn’t always taxis and limousines. But I was very grateful when it was. 

I remember one time in Germany. I was walking to my last modeling audition and I was tired.  It was cloudy, wet, and not many people were out on the streets. All of a sudden I got a creepy feeling in my gut. I looked around and saw a car driving slowly next to me. I thought, “fuck!! this guy is following me”. Instead of waiting around to see if I was right, I changed directions immediately. I ran in the opposite way. His car picked up speed, but couldn't turn around fast enough on the tiny road. That’s when I turned around again and headed to my appointment. I was grateful then to trust this Clair -- this ability or superpower as I like to call it. Internally I thanked myself, and my guides for protecting me. So much of the time, we hear ourselves say, “I knew that was going to happen”. But I didn't listen. That's gonna change now! We are going to start to learn to trust and listen to this gut feeling.

As children we loved bathing ourselves in energy as we played, but our modern adult world forces us to report our human experience using only our five senses. We are taught to shut these feelings down. And when these powers completely escape some individuals, they are usually the first people to make fun of any mention of using these innate, dormant abilities. 

To me, it’s not normal to live this way, to shut ourselves off from our natural abilities and cut ourselves off from the knowledge of the universe. It’s kinda dumb, if you ask me.

Now, in some of my YouTube videos we discussed the sacral chakra and your second energetic light layer in your auric field. The cool thing is that they are key to unlocking clairsentience. This clair is connected to these energetic realms. That’s why you feel the information in your lower gut, and it comes up as feelings. You’ve heard it all before, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this”, or “that guy has a really cool vibe”. That’s because your sacral chakra is picking up information from the energy around you. It does it all the time, you simply picked that moment to become aware of it. 

Now the same is true when you just want to chill and close down this energy center. I either visualize it closing like a flower, or I will put my hand in front of my energy center and close my hand making a fist and shut them down. 

Visualization is an amazing tool.

This way, you are always in control. So, if you find yourself in a crowded space, and you're starting to feel overwhelmed, lower the volume in this energy center in order to find some comfort. It’s that simple. 

Another way you can recognize the power of being clairsentient is goosebumps. Or truth bumps, as I like to call it. No Laughing!

This always happens when someone tells me a story and by the end, my arms look like a chicken that has been plucked. The energy is so present that my body lets me know that everything is in alignment.  Have you ever experienced that? 

What’s interesting about Clairsentience, and something that actually surprised me at first, was that this Clair can connect you to your deceased loved ones. I wonder if that’s why I sometimes get goosebumps, or chills, when I enter a room. Even when it's not cold!  To me, it’s just an entity or energy on the other side just saying, “hello, I’m here!”

To identify this clair within you, start by focusing on the emotions that spring up when you encounter someone new. Or when you walk into a new space. Pay attention to what your gut is telling you. Understand that it’s actually your innate ability to read the energy around you. If you’ve been working on your sacral chakra, you may find this information coming to you more freely or even stronger.

 Also, I always feel sick or nauseated after I’ve been around negative people, or if I’ve been hanging out in a crappy environment with low frequency. If this is you, know that you're not crazy. It's your Clair! It’s talking to you, warning you, telling you to run!!! This is how your body processes this energy in order to communicate with you. 

Watch My Video About Clairsentience & Answering Your Gut Feeling

Take a moment to watch my video here about Reconnecting to your Core Store. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

Nowadays, I can often just scan my body to see where I’m picking up information. It usually starts in my gut. Next, I may ask myself what's going on? What are you trying to tell me? Then I will take a look around and see what triggered it. It may be a person, or the room, even an object. I register the message, but the important thing is to release the energy right afterwards. Especially if there is any pain or low emotions attached to it, that's the new piece to this puzzle. Don’t hold the emotions in your body. Not even for a minute.

Understand, we can pick up these negative energies even when we read or watch the news. We pick up the emotions and then carry them. Let that shit go. If you find it difficult to let go, then you can see that your body is addicted to this frequency and is constantly looking to be fed. That’s why you keep attracting the same stories, the same people and the same places…

Ok back on track...

What do you do if your Clairsentience ability is on overdrive and you just need a break?

I’ll experience this if I’m around a person going through a really hard time, or if I’m going to a crowded party and I don’t want to pick up on everyone's emotional crap. Remember: You're  always in control of your own energy centers.

Here’s a Tip:

Sit comfortably on a chair with your feet firmly on the ground.

Focus on your breath, slowing your energy down.

Place your hand in front of your sacral chakra, which is just below your belly button.

With your palm facing towards your body, simply close your hand. Giving yourself a visual of your chakra closing down. You can imagine an opened flower in front of your sacral energy center and then command the flower to close down. You are simply choosing to shut down this information temporarily. When you're ready you can re-open it. 

So remember, those gut feelings, those goosebumps you’ve been experiencing, that’s your physical body processing your ability to read the energy of things you encounter. Don’t ignore it. Learn to trust this clair. You might need her one day.

Until next time, I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide.

I had a problem. No matter where I turned, I was always giving my energy away. Do you do that? Support everyone around you, emotionally and energetically? Feeling and blessing them constantly, only to feel neglected and looked down upon when you engage with them?

Here I was, uplifting them so they could feel amazing, only to be treated as someone less valuable than them. I was all give and no take. So stick with me in this post. We are going to focus on bringing back your incredible light energy and stop playing small in your life.

I am a strong believer that giving is more important than receiving. I tell my kids to be generous and it will come back ten-fold, but it gets to a point where you have nothing left for yourself. And when there is nothing left for yourself, bad things are going to happen. To everyone.

I felt this shift. Something was feeling off to me. I knew that I had given others more energy than they knew what to do with. But instead of being humble and grateful, the energy had turned them into feeling as though they were better than everyone else around them, including me. This is not always their fault, and I have yet to really break this down to understand the interaction of our energies, but I'm working on it.

As I reflected on this I realized that there was a pattern here. Once I had given away all my energy, all my light, there was nothing left for me. I began to feel as though my own life was lacking. I was sluggish and not fulfilling my own dreams. Instead, I was feeding the people around me with no thought of myself.

Now, I’m not saying you shouldn't support your friends and family. Doing so is a wonderful thing and I believe it is a must; but when you take your foot off your own gas pedal to fuel another ego — well, that always backfires. You see it all the time in relationships- one person sets out on the journey to fulfill their dreams and the other partner supports them through the entire process, only to be discarded at the end.

Once I realized that I was just giving away my life force, (and you will know you're doing this because it’s like a punch to the gut) I knew I had to pull my energy back in and give myself a little “me time”. Not that kind of me time, but that doesn’t hurt either. 😉

So first, I cried. Then I cried some more. Then I cried because I felt angry at myself. Then I was sad again. And then mad again that I had allowed myself to be fed on like a plate of pasta at a carb festival. Then I cried again.

And this was only the first 3 minutes.

Watch My Video About Bringing Back Your Energy & Stop Playing Small

Take a moment to watch my video here about Reconnecting to your Core Store. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

Once I let these emotions wash through me, unabashedly, without holding them or without identifying with them, I knew I had to take a dose of my own medicine- all the tips and tools that I share right here with you amazing people, my tribe!

First, I knew I had to be alone. My inner-critic and my vicious inner bodyguards were out. They were ready to fight, argue, and attack anyone that was in my way. My husband could feel my entourage of protectors ready to launch a fight. I could hear his balls shriveling up from across the room. He knows to stay away from me when this side of me is out.

So I took my dog for a walk to get some alone time and some space. And fortunately for me, I can do so in nature.

As I walked, I began to command all of my energy that I had left with other people, in other places to come back to ME.

After stopping for the dog to sniff every patch of new grass it walked on, I chanted in my head, “Bring all my energy back to me clean and clear. Bring all my energy back to me clean and clear.”

I kept saying this under my breath. And I said it with all my passion of being angry and feeling used. Slowly, I started to shift those emotions into passion, into strength, into power. Then feeling and imagining my energy flowing to me effortlessly filling every part of my being up. I’m no longer playing small. If you can’t handle the light, then go play in another room. This was a great way to focus my intention. And as you can see intention is key to everything we do, people.

Again, I commanded, “bring all my energy back to me clean and clear.”

After about 20 minutes of this, I started to feel a little better. I started to feel my energy return to me. I wanted to do more for myself. I had my headphones in so I could listen to a meditation, but instead, the universe brought me a video by Sadhguru. It was called, “How Not to Let Ugly Situations Mess You Up.” You can watch it HERE.

I love this guy. I love listening to people that just resonate with me. I can feel that his intentions are good and so are his messages. As I listened to his video, I was instantly reminded that it doesn’t matter what happens to you, or what other people say. What matters is how you choose to react.

I reminded myself that I was not a victim, instead, I was simply playing that old program again. You know, the one that says, “don’t be too bright, don’t show that you know too much, play small, and just be quiet and let someone else do it, or you're going to get in trouble.” That program is bullshit to me! 

You cannot be successful and give away all your energy. I’m not talking about giving away love, I’m not talking about caring too much, I’m talking about your personal energetic sacrifice that you are making because you're running a subconscious program that says, “if you are too powerful, if you are number one, no one will love you. You will be alone and discarded.”

And again... that’s bullshit.

So, as his video continued, I continued to bring my light back to me -- filling myself back up every step of my walk. Well at least in between bending over and picking up my dog’s shit. But reminding myself to be in the moment with all my fucking senses.

By the time I finished doing this, I felt whole again. I continued to walk with ease and in the spirit of self-care. I reminded myself of all the things I preach here: I am not my emotions. I am not this body. I am light having a fucking human experience.

Truth be told, I wasn’t ready to jump in and be one hundred percent grateful yet, even after all of this. It was more like I had shifted into neutral. Although my face looked like Rocky Balboa fighting his last match because I was so puffy from crying earlier. Or I was stung by a bee, I can’t remember. It doesn’t matter, at least I wasn’t carrying around all those toxic feelings anymore.

When I got home, I was fortunate that I was greeted by my smiling daughter whom I was able to give a big hug. I no longer carried those negative emotions from before and I was able to receive her love freely and openly.

Now, here is the magic part. While I was walking I booked two clients, and then another two while making myself a cup of coffee when I got home. How cool is that? Just by bringing back my energy and not pushing away my feelings, but purging them instead, it actually brought me success. A small success, but still a good success. Imagine what more I can do!

Listen, we’re all in this together, playing and trying to figure shit out. But if I can give you one piece of advice from all this, don't play small for other people. Don't dim your light to make others feel comfortable. Because when you're breathing your last breath, no one cares or can see that you sacrificed your light for nothing. Being small, or invisible, doesn’t get you a ribbon in the end.

Live your life to the fullest. Live as an example. Choose to be happy. Choose to be you. Make your own experiences. Don’t be a virtual lighthouse for other people to siphon off of your soul.

I hope this gives you the permission you need to bring your energy back to you so you can shine like a mother f@#$er. Because trust me, it feels good! With that, know that you will find a tribe that will match your new frequency, and hopefully, that tribe is with us.

Until next time, I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide.

Are you tired of everyone telling you who you should be? What you should think? What you should eat? Even what you should wear? Well, that’s probably because you’re still living at home. Just kidding!

But if any of these statements resonate with you, you're probably disconnected from your Core Star, or better known as your inner light.

In the blog, we’ll learn about the Core Star and its connection to your entire energy consciousness system (hint, it’s actually the foundation of your whole energy system). I’ll also share some tips and rituals that I did to reconnect with this amazing light.

I started blocking off my connection to the Core Star as a child. If you’ve watched all my videos, you’re probably thinking, “boy she had a rough childhood”. Not really, but I do want to show you how easy it is to create a program when we're kids. Cause we all do it!

core star marisa grieco

Now it’s time to clean up our mess...

I had an accident when I was very young that caused me to lose my hearing in my right ear. My hearing loss didn’t really affect me until I started school.

My teacher would be addressing the classroom and I would miss gaps of what she was saying. Not knowing any better, I would just try to read her lips; but soon it caught up with me. My teacher would ask a simple question, but because I didn’t hear her fully, I would answer with something entirely off-topic. Every time I did this, the class would start laughing at me. That is when I began to shut down.

I didn't want to be called on. I didn't want to be there. I didn’t want to be seen, so I flew away from my body. I fell down a black hole by creating a belief program that it was not safe to share my voice. I felt stupid, not good enough, and even unlovable.

Physically, my muscles would tense up and I would have to hold back tears. This was the beginning of repressing my emotions into my unconscious. I built those walls up, and created a new belief system.

This made it much harder to reach my Core Star. My inner light was now walled off and I didn’t even realize it. Great way to start my teen years, huh?

The more I tried to protect this part of myself, the more disconnected and alone I felt. This is what I believe was the beginning of my depression.

It wasn’t until I started taking down these walls very slowly and carefully that I started to feel like myself again.




That's what I want to share with you.

So what is the Core Star and what does it have to do with my story?

Let's start right at the beginning-- The Core Star is the source of our unique essence, our divine spark, our soul, if you will. It’s like a snowflake! Each one is different and magical in its own way, just like you.

According to Barbara Brennan, the Core Star is the foundation for the Structure of the Human Energy Consciousness system. That’s a mouthful but how cool is that!

To give you an idea of how all of this works, your consciousness system has four aspects: it consists of the Core Star, the Hara foundation, your energy field (aura), and last but not least, the physical body.

Each one of these has its own space and dimension and they all function completely differently, but still complement each other. It’s like we’re a human cake. With all our layers, flavors, and colors. Separate, but still blended nicely together.

For now, we're going to focus on the Core Star.

It's in this space of the Core Star that your creative and intuitive energy originates. When this energy is flowing, you feel healthy, happy, and connected to everything and everyone. You are light!

The Core Star is a wonderful space to seed your manifestations as well. You may find yourself inspired to jump in and start doing all the creative things that you’ve always wanted to but never seem to make the time for. You may find yourself painting (watch out Picasso!), drawing, or writing a book.

Watch My Video About Reconnecting to Your Core Star

Take a moment to watch my video here about Reconnecting to your Core Store. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

Ideas feel like they are just flowing through you. When your Core Star is glowing bright, you’ll finally begin to feel comfortable in your human suit, your Avatar!

Finally, you will be free to express yourself, because you’re no longer looking outside for validation. You're free from judgments, free from other people's opinions, free from feeling like you have to be perfect. It’s in this inner space, that you are the center of the universe.

The wonderful thing about your Core Star is that it cannot be diminished by negative experiences. You may have created walls and blocks around your Core Star to make you feel safe and avoid any painful memories, but underneath all that, it is still a vibrant star-- untouched by the third-dimensional world.

How do you know when the Core Star is blocked?

When we block our Core Star, we can start to feel depressed, unworthy, and even uncreative. Your energy becomes sluggish or heavy. This is why you can start to feel sick. Nothing is moving. It’s like a pond that lost its flow of water. It’s stagnant.

Or if you find that you're overeating, taking drugs, and drinking alcohol excessively, (although this just sounds like this past year during the pandemic...kidding) these are just ways to cope with the pain. We’re not feeling safe enough to be ourselves.


#1 Connect to Nature and Explore Your Environment

Take a walk outside in nature (or your own backyard is fine too). Find a space where you feel safe and won’t be disturbed. Put away your electronics and just look around. Activate your five senses -smell, taste, touch, sight, sound.

Pick up a flower and study the structure of it. What do you see? Let your eyes answer.

What can you smell? Allow your nose to explore.

What can you hear? Birds, water, traffic?

What can you taste?

What can you sense? Can you feel the vibration of the trees, plants, grass?

Just notice what comes up for you. Explore everything. Allow yourself to be affected emotionally.

#2 Animals

Playing with animals is another wonderful tool to get your Core Star shining.

Whether it’s hanging out with your pets or going to a farm, a rescue facility. Whatever you have access to.

Sometimes it can feel easier to express your feelings and love with an animal. Allow this warmth to grow and expand in your energy field.

#3 Music

Listen to your favorite music, and let loose! Dance, sing, have fun. I can close my eyes and automatically be transported to a dance floor in my favorite club.

#4 Take Yourself on an Artist Date

Whether you're writing, drawing, painting, whatever. Pick your medium.

Do something creative to get you out of your head. Just allow it to flow.

To help me, sometimes I just turn on my favorite music, get out my paints and do abstract work. If I felt angry I would express it in my paintings. This was a lot of fun!! A big mess at times, but still fun. If my inner critic came out, I would just let that part of me paint! There is no perfection, it's just your expression. Hey, that kinda rhymes!

#5 Be of Service

Another key tool is to get involved or do something for someone else.

Get the focus off yourself. It can be something spontaneous and kind. Try excluding the word “I” as much as you can.

You can call a friend, neighbor, or organization that needs your help. Try to objectively do this. It can be a wonderful way to jump-start your Core Star. (Remember you don’t have to sign up for something that is going to deplete you, instead try something that brings a smile to your face).

#6 Abandonment

This one is inspired by Eric Morris.

If you're feeling super trapped and overwhelmed, this exercise may help you. You are going to need to clear a big space for yourself in a room. Remove any jewelry, glasses, watches and any object that can hurt you. If you can lay down on a soft surface like a carpet I would recommend that.

With this exercise it kind of looks like a kid having a tantrum in a toy aisle when he is told you won’t buy him his favorite action figure.

You want to hurl yourself into a ball and then have a physical fit- kicking, and flailing your body in every direction, if you can, scream and howl let loose.

If you're worried about neighbors or someone hearing you, scream into a pillow.

The exercise should go on until you experience a large emotional explosion. We're getting rid of tension and all that crap that no longer serves you.

Be kind to yourself afterwards. It’s all part of the process. We’re peeling away the layers.


Know that each time you expand this energy center you are upgrading your physical body. Allow time for your body, your cells, your nervous system, and even your DNA to update with this new frequency.

When your Core Star essence is free to flow you may start to sense that everything around you becomes in sync. Your feelings are positive and your intentions feel good. You will also release issues that you have avoided facing, sometimes for your whole life. They will come to the foreground of your life to be experienced and healed. You’re clearing away the old programs and rebooting your authentic self!

Now that you're starting to feel more connected to your Core Star, you will begin to create the things you have always wanted.

You're no longer looking outwards to learn about yourself but instead, you are going inwards.

You are a shiny bright star!!! Remember, you are not your body, your emotions or your programs. You are light!!!

Until next time,

I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide.

We've heard the expression a hundred times, "If you want to feel good, if you want change in your life, you can't bring your old baggage with you." Well, that’s what I want to talk about in this blog.  I will share my experience about a childhood event and how it clogged my energetic light field. And how I found a way to start feeling safe and loving in my own body once again. 

When I was about 11 or 12 years old, my girlfriend invited me to her birthday party.

I was so excited. This was my first time going to a party with other kids! I did my hair, wore my new fluorescent blue jersey dress. (It was the 80s.) I still remember putting on my earrings. I felt good. 

I went over all the matriarch rules in my head:

  • Don't do anything stupid.
  • Don't say anything stupid.
  • Use your manners.
  • And most importantly, watch out for boys! 

I didn't pay much attention to them. I heard them a billion times. I was simply going over to my girlfriend's house. What could go wrong?

I strutted out of my house with confidence since my leg warmers were hiding my furry little legs. I had my chin held high with my newly bleached mustache. My feminine energy was out full blast for the very first time. I walked in feeling good. If this were a movie, we would just be finishing the montage part. 

The layout of my friend's house was a carbon copy of my grandparents' house. It was like being in the matrix. As usual, the adults were all downstairs laughing and talking, and all the kids were on the main floor watching tv. What else would we be doing? It was just another friend from school and me with the rest of her family.

Just a good old-fashioned neighborhood birthday party.

blocked energetic light bodies

After a bit, my school friend went downstairs to get something to eat. I watched the show when two of the older boys stood in front of the only door to the room. The next thing I know, the tv gets turned off. I'm keeping cool. I remind myself that all the parents are downstairs. I'm not in one of those dark alleys my Nonna always worried about. I'm not doing anything weird or wrong. I'm just sitting here. But I can start to sense darkness in the room. My spidey senses begin to tingle. (Yes, I even had them back then.) I stand and walk towards the door casually when one of the boys shoves me back on the couch. He looks straight in the eye at me and says,

"Don't mind us if you get pregnant!"

 (Wow, now that's some goody bag for this party. And to think, all I got my friend was a shirt and a pair of earrings for her birthday!)

I'm kidding; it’s how I deal with uncomfortable situations.

Of course, the truth was, I was in shock. 

How could this be happening? I followed every rule. I did everything I was told. Yet every horror story my family warned me about was unfolding right before my eyes! And I had a starring role. 

Dammit, I knew I should have taken karate!! 

I thought, screw these guys. Well, not literally. I was like, what the fuck is this shit? I leaped off that couch like a caged mountain lion. I was swinging, screaming, kicking anyone that came close to me. No one was going to mess with this hairdo. My adrenaline was through the roof. What felt like an hour was probably a couple of minutes. My girlfriend's sister finally heard my screams and came into the room and broke up this mess with an announcement that it was cake time. 

Cake time?! 

Are you kidding me!! 

What the fuck?! 

Your family just tried to rape me in your living room, like a bunch of pent-up hormonal monsters who spent too long in Sunday school -- and you're offering them dessert?! So, I'm supposed to go downstairs and celebrate as if nothing happened? I wanted to walk down there and scream, "Your children are monsters. Even if they were just kidding around, their message and intent were awful. I'm 11! "

I wish that's what I said. But I didn't. Instead, I was in shock. I obeyed. My first birthday party ever, and this happens! Now, I was fortunate that the only thing they got to touch was my hair sprayed helmet of a hairdo. But I was still traumatized by the event. I can't imagine how someone feels after they've been sexually assaulted. I simply can't imagine it. And I'm sorry if that has happened to you. I truly am.

I called my uncle right away to pick me up. My uncle always reminded me of a cross between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. I wanted to tell him everything. I wanted to take him into the house and show those little fucks that they messed with the wrong family. I wanted him to treat them like a pinata hanging from a tree.

But If I did this, I figured two things were going to happen. Furst, ten black Cadillacs--okay, three black Cadillacs--were going to show up at this house with bats in their hand. And I'm pretty sure the people that would get arrested weren't the guys that caused this whole mess in the first place. And second, this would be the last birthday party I would attend for the rest of my life.  

While I stood on the stairwell waiting, I did what any Italian girl my age would do. I gave them my first ever evil eye.

Every single one of them.

Now, I don't need to provide you with the details of what happened to them that month. Let's just say my girlfriend had a new family trauma story to tell every week. I'm not boasting that my evil eye worked because this episode isn't about how to create and manifest the perfect curse -- but that would be a good one. This is story is to show you how easy it is for a program to get trapped in your energy field. This event has affected my relationships and relationship with men and myself for my entire life.

I probably could have used a lighter example, and I apologize if I upset anyone, but it's a black and white example of how we can carry an event throughout our lives. And carry it in a manner that does not serve us.

We have hundreds of these tiny programs playing subconsciously in our energy field that were created from events in our lives.

So, it's not so much that you're filled with anxiety, or you're too sensitive, or you're crazy. It's just that something has triggered one of these hidden programs and has released the chemicals tied to that experience into your body. That’s all it is.

Before we begin, I just want to be clear: this is how I dealt with helping myself release old blocks, old beliefs, and other traumatic experiences. I'm not a doctor or a licensed therapist.  I'm just sharing my process with you, hoping that it will help you feel better in your life because you know what? You deserve it! Remember that. And no schmuck or experience should rob you of a happy life.

Watch My Video About Blocked Energetic Light Bodies and How They Affect Your Happiness

Take a moment to watch my video here about Blocked Energetic Light Bodies and How They Affect Your Happiness. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

So how does a program or a block get created in our body?

When we have a traumatic experience, we automatically try to bury the pain. It's a safety mechanism for our brains. So, we cut ourselves off from the physical body by taking our consciousness away from that experience. Next, we cut off our thoughts and emotions by tensing our muscles and repressing them into our unconscious. To keep this buried, we create all kinds of distractions to take our attention away. You may overwork, turn to food, drugs, or alcohol, or simply detach entirely and become a couch-potato.

We may even start to project and blame others for the state we're in instead of healing and releasing this pain. We believe that the only way to eliminate this pain is to block it and stop the energy flow. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. We never want to prevent energy from flowing through our bodies because when we stop the flow of energy, we cut ourselves off from the positive experiences of life. You may not even be aware that you're doing it because you've done it since childhood. 

So right now, you may feel disconnected from yourself because of this block. Most likely, you've created mighty walls around your wounds. This act makes it feel impossible for you to reach your core, to reach your inner light. It also makes you feel separate from everyone and everything in your life.

When we stop the energy flow within the body, the painful experience moves into your emotional field.  There, it freezes the event in time and energy. This is what we call a block in our field. This block will remain frozen and adversely affecting your life until we thaw it out – just like a piece of meat. If we don't release this energy, it can become so dense it can start to make you sick.

The emotional energetic layer is where we store our emotions about ourselves. So, when it gets contaminated by the trauma, our self-image changes. We start to feel sad, guilty, angry, shameful -- whatever feelings were tied to that experience.

So, let's get that crap out of your energetic field!

Whether it's someone else's energy, an old belief, an old program – it doesn't matter. If it doesn't make you feel expanded and feel good, it's time to reclaim your true self and get it out! 

We create most of these programs in childhood. Usually, before we even know what's going on. That's why it's a good idea to re-evaluate what you want to keep and update it, or what you simply want to get rid of. This baggage is not worth keeping. It's preventing you from reaching your superpowers in the quantum field.

childhood trauma - block energetic light body

The First Three Energetic Light Bodies

I'm going to focus on your first three energetic light bodies and how they work.  I'm going to simplify this to give you an awareness of what's going on. So, let's start with the third energetic level and work our way down from the lightest to densest of these light bodies. 

If you look at this image, this is how the gradient of light in your field works. It isn't about positive or negative. It's just the amount of light that each level holds.

The Third Energetic Light Body:

This light body holds your thoughts. This is the level of self-perception. It’s basically how you think of yourself. 

Now, here's an example of the thoughts that may have been created after my event:

These thoughts in my head have a frequency, and unfortunately, it's a low frequency. So, if I don't heal from the wounds of my past, every time an event triggers me, I will think those same thoughts, and my body will produce the same chemicals that were present when the traumatic event first happened.

My subconscious mind does not know the difference between what happened in my past and what is happening now to make it even worse. That's why changing your thoughts is so important. There's a chain reaction.

Change your thoughts, change your life.

The Second Energetic Light Body

The second energetic light body is the emotional layer -this level is associated with how you feel about yourself. 

When you're happy and have positive programs, this layer is bright and colorful. But when you hold on to old emotions tied to old beliefs, you may feel shameful, small, weak, sad, angry, and guilty about yourself. This energy will appear dark, like lead in your energy field. This can start to make you sick because it ripples into the physical. You can see how when we move through these energetic light bodies, we become more “matter, “which is dense, and less “energy,” which is light.

So, let's act like alchemists and start to transmute that lead into gold!

The First Energetic Light Body

The first layer is the etheric energetic light body- this is the layer where you feel your pain and tension in your body.

It’s in this light body where energy gets trapped and stored. It affects your nervous system, your muscles, even your cells. So again, you can see how being in your body can start to feel uncomfortable. Even a simple touch by someone can trigger me to think of that event again, and out comes the hellcat!

Understand, my body doesn't want me to forget about it. It thinks it's trying to protect me. That's why I may complain of a stomachache, lower back pain, or headaches when these thoughts are triggered.  

Once I started to see my energetic light bodies in this way, I began to identify where I was holding and storing my old programs. I did this from a space of awareness, so it became easier and easier to catch their effects when triggered without having to live through the pain attached to that story. I knew it was time to update my energetic light bodies and rewrite my blueprint.

If the pain and the emotions are extreme for you, know that you can reach out to energetic healers and counselors to help you through this process. You don't have to do it alone.

My story and my tips are meant to help you start getting the energy moving through your body and help you understand that you are not your body, emotions, or thoughts. Know that you are simply a light being having a human experience. We are just cleaning out your avatar (your physical body) to make more room for yourself—space to have and to create the life you are meant to live.

So, here are some tips that helped me. You are going to need a pen and paper and a quiet space.

Tip # 1

Let's start with the third energetic light body: your thoughts.

What are your thoughts about yourself? For example, I am... (fill in the blank).

And then write them down. Don't edit your thoughts or your writing. No one will read this. Burn it after if you want. Once you've written down these old programs, you can start to rewrite and update them.

If you want to practice and do more profound work with this energetic light body layer, I have a video called "The Key to Manifest Faster" to help you find high-frequency words to replace the old ones.

Tip #2

For your Emotional, Energetic Light Body.

Find a quiet, uninterrupted space. Focus on your breath and tap into your second layer of your energetic light body. It's approximately 1-3 inches around your physical body.  Notice what comes up for you. Do you see images or events? Can you feel them? Notice how you connect to this field. Does it feel expanded and full? Or does it feel more like armor around you?

Now write down your triggers. What ticks you off? What gets your blood boiling? People, places, behaviors.  Whatever it is, just write it down like a stream of consciousness. There are going to be emotions attached to events that you've never allowed yourself to express. Whatever comes up in your healing experience -- from laughing or crying to being angry. Just release and flow.

As you build emotional awareness, this can help you to identify the emotions that are affecting you. This way, you don't have to store them in your mind or your body anymore.  

Whatever emotions that come up, know that this is wonderful. Embrace them. You are tapping in and releasing trapped energy. You're doing the work, and remember you are not your emotions; they are just part of your avatar. They're there to give you a message and move on. You don't have to be identified by them. 

Once you start to release these emotions, you may want to go back to rewriting some of your thoughts about yourself from Tip #1. Now you can begin to see how these three energetic layers connect in the space of awareness.

Tip #3

Now take your time with this one. Sit quietly with yourself. Notice where you are holding tension in your body, and gently place your hand on that spot.

Imagine loving light flowing from above your head down into your heart through to your arms and out your hands. (Be your own healer) allow whatever emotions to come up and out. You don't have to hold on to this tension anymore. It's like releasing that trapped bird and letting it fly away. You're removing trapped old energy by doing this. Take your time and allow your physical body to receive this upgrade. You may even feel lighter afterward. 

Please understand; we're just getting our feet wet here. Energetic light bodies are a vast topic to tackle. I wanted to show you a map of how you can unlock those memories that prevent you from a happy life. You can begin to release that old baggage and start to connect to the quantum field.

Why? Because the more light and love you bring into your body, your avatar, the stronger and more present you become. You're becoming less “matter’ and more “energy.” This is going to help you speed up and attract what you want.

I hope these simple exercises and tools help you to start to feel lighter and brighter in your life.

Remember, you are light having a human experience. You're not your body, your emotions, or your thoughts. I am sending you lots of love. If you want more information, I will make videos on each energetic layer to give you a deeper understanding. In the meantime, look around the website for other tools and information to help you on your journey.

Until next time, I'm Marisa Grieco, your Mystical Guide.

The Art & Science of Cosmic Energy

Hey there, fellow explorers of the cosmic vibe! Dive in with us on this incredible journey, where we chat about cosmic energy from two pretty neat angles – the intuitive touch of energy healing and the grounded approach of science. 

Picture this: in every episode, you've got Marisa Grieco dishing out her wisdom from years of energy healing, as we search for proof through science. We're all about sparking up conversations that link the mystical with the stuff you can measure and test. 

Our goal? 

To shine a light for you on how these two ways of looking at the universe can actually play nice and add some sparkle to each other. Tune in, learn something new, and let's see where this cosmic dance takes us!
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