Let’s talk about channeling.

For me, I realized I had begun channeling years ago when I was working with a friend. Understand that channeling is not that thing you see in the movies where someone gets possessed by an entity and starts climbing the walls. Believe me, I’ve tried.

It’s not like that at all.

For me, when a friend and I were discussing a problem that he or she had, I would pause, take a deep breath, release any tension, and then I would begin sharing what I was thinking about their issue.

I thought it was all me.

My energy was calm and caring, but the minute they interrupted me and started talking, I would suddenly come out of my trance. The weird part was, I couldn't repeat what I had just told my friend. It was like I forgot what I had said.

That was always awkward for me. I used to think,

“How can I forget something so fast?”

“What’s wrong with me?” 

But now, after all this work, I realize that the information came through me for my friend. The message wasn’t meant for me, that’s why I couldn’t remember it. 

I believe this is where the saying, “just get out of your own way” comes into play. Not that I had a choice. I don’t let my logical mind fight it. I set my ego aside and channel the information. Whether it’s your higher self coming through, or a spiritual guide, or angel, or whatever you want to label it; don't have it go through the logical limited mind and just open up the floodgates to let the good come through.

When we are open like this, we can download such amazing information.

But how do you know if it’s your logical mind or something else?

This is where discernment comes in. You may want to unlock this superpower so badly, but you have to be honest with yourself and know when your ego is talking.

One way that I can tell when my advice is coming from my limited mind, or my ego, is when the information gets filtered through all my old programs. Or, the information feels bumpy, forced, and slow. It kind of feels like it’s not coming from a clear place.

For example, if you have a friend that wants relationship advice but she goes to a friend that is constantly in bad relationships, then the advice she receives will be very different from someone that has been in a long-term, loving relationship. In fact, both friends, if they don’t step aside from their ego, can taint the information as they filter it through their own experiences.

As with everything I do on this site and my channel, it’s all about gaining awareness. Awareness of what you're already doing but may not understand it. With this awareness, you can start to own and use your own gifts. There is nothing to fear here, we’re just turning the lights on. 

So what the heck is channeling?

The art of channeling has been used since ancient times. There are stories of shamans, witches, oracles, connecting to higher levels of energy.  But really, anyone can channel, and I’m going to show you how.

Channeling is about opening yourself, your mind, and your heart up to higher levels of energy to let it convey through you.

How to Start Channeling

Before you start channeling, let me share how I discovered what channeling truly is and some tips that helped me get better at it.

Watch the video instead of reading the blog if you like!

It’s not to be confused with mediumship. With mediumship, you’re acting as more of a translator and you often don’t let them take over your body. It’s more like you're an interpreter - whereas when you’re channeling, you’re allowing an energetic being to take over your body. It’s kind of like you move to the side and let them take center stage.

Remember, it’s your body so you are always in charge of who can come in and how long they can stay. 

Some of these beings can be spirits, angels, archangels, even a guide. Now, discernment is important once again. So, if it doesn't feel good to you, you don’t have to let it in. Just like you wouldn’t let a creepy stranger into your house, you don’t have to let them in your body. The power is always within you.

Channeling. This is not a sex-ed class.

Slowly raise your frequency and meet with the vibrations of the spirit, angel, or whichever higher being that you sense. When that link is made, you may try channeling! 

Easy, huh? 😉

Wait there’s more.

You might allow this being to speak through you or you may convey what you are witnessing. You might experience automatic writing or drawing. Maybe this being wants to play an instrument or dance. It really depends on what you're comfortable with.

The cool thing for me is that I get to experience something new. It’s like looking at life with a new pair of glasses on, helping to take you out of that automatic one way of being.

Next is Trance channeling, but I’ll save that for another blog and video for my mystical members. IF you want to dive deeper into this them become a member, you won’t regret it. I guarantee it!

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So these are just some suggestions to get you started with channeling. It’s exactly how I did it. 

Remember, to be patient with yourself and have fun. You want to keep your energy bright and light. You may actually learn that you’ve been channeling energies all along. Whether that’s while you're at work, or in difficult situations, coming up with ideas, maybe creativity just flows through you, like writing music. Again, there is nothing to fear. You're just waking up to what’s already happening, and giving you the awareness to say no to a lower frequency.

And remember, you are not your body, you are not your emotions, you are light!

Until next time,

I’m Marisa Grieco Your Mystical Guide

This post is all about learning how to use divination tools. From pendulums to tarot cards, we will go over what they are and how they can assist you in tapping into your superpowers. 

When I first started this journey many years ago, I was attracted to learning and having anything mystical. I bought crystals, wands, feathers, staffs, rattles, drums, pendulums, tarot decks--anything that I thought would bring me closer to this invisible veil. Anytime I could travel, I would meet with a shaman, a medicine woman or man, a healer, a psychic, a mystic, or even a mambo. I wanted to learn how they tapped into the quantum field. What was their secret? What were the most used divination tools?

To my surprise, some just used household items, while others had purchased or made extravagant tools. It didn’t seem to matter though. They all seemed to work. Why? Intention, belief, focus, and power. 

This is the most important formula when using your divination tools. Not how much they cost, or where you got them from. The power is within you. To find the tool that gets you excited, and have fun exploring. I’m going to list a few just to get your feet wet. If you want to learn more you can always pop over to my website.

How To Choose the Right Divination Tool for You

There are so many different divination tools out there. I know I bought them all but you don't have to. Join me as I share how I selected what was best for my practice.

What the heck are Divination tools?

That’s right...I called them tools because that's what they are.

Just like a carpenter uses his hammer, or a plumber uses a wrench, Mystics use divination tools. These are just different ways to help you feel confident in expressing what you are already picking up. Remember the real magic is inside of you.

PRO TIP: Create a sacred space, have a ceremony or a ritual--this will help you transition from your muggle self into a wizard. 

I need my ritual to help me transition. If I don’t, it feels like I’m going to work in my pajamas. I need that time to transition and bring out my higher mystical pants--I mean parts. 

When you first begin your journey, you may feel drawn or connected to using certain tools. From pendulums, runes, tea leaves, tarot cards, your Nonnas holy water, or her collection of saint cards. Do you remember which card helps you to find lost things? ( It’s Saint Anthony - do I look new to you. 🙂 Some people collect hockey cards. My nonna had her saints.  Now, you can see there are many, many more divination tools and we'll look at some of these in our post. You may find that you’re more gifted in one method than another. Use what works best for you and your abilities. And remember, be kind with yourself just like with any other skill set, this is gonna take some practice.

The Pendulum

This is probably one of the easiest tools to use. It's a simple matter of asking "Yes" or "No" questions and receiving answers. The message you receive depends on how the pendulum swings. The trick is learning to ask the right questions. 

Now, when you first get your pendulum, you can train it to show you what each direction means. You can also do this by creating a chart, or by asking your pendulum to show you. For me, I like “yes” to swing forward and backward, and “no” to be side to side. I also do clockwise for “yes” and counterclockwise for “no”.

I will sometimes use my pendulum during a tarot reading to double-check if a card is correct. I place my pendulum over the cards and if I get a no I’ll pull the card and get another one.

My dad would make his own pendulum using just a needle and thread. This was the divination tool that he would use when someone was pregnant in order to find out the sex of the baby. He would put the needle in front of the belly and watch the way it would swing. From there he would declare the sex. The cool thing is he was always right. I loved watching him do it. 


It’s been said the Runes are actually one of the oldest divination tools, dating all the way back to 800 A.D. There are 24 runes, each with a related letter of the runic alphabet, with different meanings depending on the way they are cast. I like to use one rune at a time just to keep things simple. First, I settle my mind, then I ask my question -- clean and clear. I’ll pop my hand in my magic pouch and pull out a rune. Then I look up the meaning. When you buy a set it usually comes with a little booklet. Or, if you’re a member, I have a beautiful printout for you on my website.

Reading Tea Leaves

Reading tea leaves has been around since the 17th century. I personally don’t read tea leaves, but in the past, I’ve gone to see European mystics that use this as their divination tool. I really enjoyed the whole ceremony of reading tea leaves. I mean, I get to drink something and have my future read. It’s a win-win.

The reader makes a cup of tea, pours out the extra liquid, and turns the cup upside down to read what she sees. 

Join the Mystical Circle with Marisa Grieco

Tarot Cards

I’ll often use tarot cards before a healing session with a client to give me an idea of what’s happening in their life. I use them more as a guideline map instead of a prediction or a fixed future. I believe It’s something that can be changed, especially after an energy healing. You're upgrading your energetic blueprint. For example, If you feel like you are only worthy of crappy relationships then that’s what your cards are going to keep saying. And that's what you're going to keep doing until YOU change.

Now the easy way to get started with the tarot is having fun! Let loose, bring out your intuition. 

Hold your deck of cards in your hand, ask your question, and trust your superpowers (a.k.a. your psychic gifts). Place the cards in front of you, then scan the cards with the palm of your hand. Notice if you have any tingling in your palm, or perhaps you get chills. That’s your clairs working. Pull that card and see if the message resonates with you. You can look up the meaning or use your intuition and see what you pick up for yourself.

tarot cards -divination tools

Now, there are a lot of different styles of decks. Again, pick the one that resonates with you. When you first start out I do recommend the Rider Waite deck of cards. The Tarot deck is usually made up of 78 cards, You have the major arcana and the minor arcana. That includes four suits, they are the wands, swords, cups, and coins or pentacles. 

It can be pretty overwhelming when you're first starting out. So I put together a mini-course to help you learn in a fun and easy way. Remember, work at your own pace.

Now there are many divination tools. I enjoy these ones but find the ones that light you up. Remember the answers are already within you, so don’t get caught up in feeling like you have to memorize everything when you start. These are just tools to unlock your gifts and give you the extra confidence to get them out. 

Remember you are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions, you are light. So, stay bright!

Until next time, I’m Marisa Grieco, your Mystical Guide.

Is your living space a friggin’ mess? Can you sense the pile of laundry, even though you’re downstairs? Wait! I’m not going to tell you to go upstairs and tackle all those chores right now. That's what maids are for. I mean, that’s whatkids are for. But I will start by saying maintaining  a clean, fresh, living space will help your Clairsentience to flourish. Join me in this blog post as we’re going to learn what it means to be clairsentient and how to activate it.

Clairsentient. What does it mean? Well it actually means: “Clear Feeling”. And it’s not some wooji wooji thing about a spooky paranormal power, in fact it's a natural and divine ability that lives within all of us.

You already use your five senses- smell, taste, hearing, touch, and sight. They help you process your physical world but your 6th sense helps you understand how energy plays in this realm. And we know everything is energy, so it makes sense that we have the ability to feel this. We hear people talking about gut feelings or sensing something is not right…this is clairsentience.

In my modeling days, I was always traveling to a new country with new customs, most of which I didn’t know. And I would rely on my clairsentience to keep me safe. I can remember times where I was so exhausted and lost (this was way before smart phones and google), I had to rely on folded foreign maps, and foreign bus schedules. It wasn’t always taxis and limousines. But I was very grateful when it was. 

I remember one time in Germany. I was walking to my last modeling audition and I was tired.  It was cloudy, wet, and not many people were out on the streets. All of a sudden I got a creepy feeling in my gut. I looked around and saw a car driving slowly next to me. I thought, “fuck!! this guy is following me”. Instead of waiting around to see if I was right, I changed directions immediately. I ran in the opposite way. His car picked up speed, but couldn't turn around fast enough on the tiny road. That’s when I turned around again and headed to my appointment. I was grateful then to trust this Clair -- this ability or superpower as I like to call it. Internally I thanked myself, and my guides for protecting me. So much of the time, we hear ourselves say, “I knew that was going to happen”. But I didn't listen. That's gonna change now! We are going to start to learn to trust and listen to this gut feeling.

As children we loved bathing ourselves in energy as we played, but our modern adult world forces us to report our human experience using only our five senses. We are taught to shut these feelings down. And when these powers completely escape some individuals, they are usually the first people to make fun of any mention of using these innate, dormant abilities. 

To me, it’s not normal to live this way, to shut ourselves off from our natural abilities and cut ourselves off from the knowledge of the universe. It’s kinda dumb, if you ask me.

Now, in some of my YouTube videos we discussed the sacral chakra and your second energetic light layer in your auric field. The cool thing is that they are key to unlocking clairsentience. This clair is connected to these energetic realms. That’s why you feel the information in your lower gut, and it comes up as feelings. You’ve heard it all before, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this”, or “that guy has a really cool vibe”. That’s because your sacral chakra is picking up information from the energy around you. It does it all the time, you simply picked that moment to become aware of it. 

Now the same is true when you just want to chill and close down this energy center. I either visualize it closing like a flower, or I will put my hand in front of my energy center and close my hand making a fist and shut them down. 

Visualization is an amazing tool.

This way, you are always in control. So, if you find yourself in a crowded space, and you're starting to feel overwhelmed, lower the volume in this energy center in order to find some comfort. It’s that simple. 

Another way you can recognize the power of being clairsentient is goosebumps. Or truth bumps, as I like to call it. No Laughing!

This always happens when someone tells me a story and by the end, my arms look like a chicken that has been plucked. The energy is so present that my body lets me know that everything is in alignment.  Have you ever experienced that? 

What’s interesting about Clairsentience, and something that actually surprised me at first, was that this Clair can connect you to your deceased loved ones. I wonder if that’s why I sometimes get goosebumps, or chills, when I enter a room. Even when it's not cold!  To me, it’s just an entity or energy on the other side just saying, “hello, I’m here!”

To identify this clair within you, start by focusing on the emotions that spring up when you encounter someone new. Or when you walk into a new space. Pay attention to what your gut is telling you. Understand that it’s actually your innate ability to read the energy around you. If you’ve been working on your sacral chakra, you may find this information coming to you more freely or even stronger.

 Also, I always feel sick or nauseated after I’ve been around negative people, or if I’ve been hanging out in a crappy environment with low frequency. If this is you, know that you're not crazy. It's your Clair! It’s talking to you, warning you, telling you to run!!! This is how your body processes this energy in order to communicate with you. 

Watch My Video About Clairsentience & Answering Your Gut Feeling

Take a moment to watch my video here about Reconnecting to your Core Store. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂

Nowadays, I can often just scan my body to see where I’m picking up information. It usually starts in my gut. Next, I may ask myself what's going on? What are you trying to tell me? Then I will take a look around and see what triggered it. It may be a person, or the room, even an object. I register the message, but the important thing is to release the energy right afterwards. Especially if there is any pain or low emotions attached to it, that's the new piece to this puzzle. Don’t hold the emotions in your body. Not even for a minute.

Understand, we can pick up these negative energies even when we read or watch the news. We pick up the emotions and then carry them. Let that shit go. If you find it difficult to let go, then you can see that your body is addicted to this frequency and is constantly looking to be fed. That’s why you keep attracting the same stories, the same people and the same places…

Ok back on track...

What do you do if your Clairsentience ability is on overdrive and you just need a break?

I’ll experience this if I’m around a person going through a really hard time, or if I’m going to a crowded party and I don’t want to pick up on everyone's emotional crap. Remember: You're  always in control of your own energy centers.

Here’s a Tip:

Sit comfortably on a chair with your feet firmly on the ground.

Focus on your breath, slowing your energy down.

Place your hand in front of your sacral chakra, which is just below your belly button.

With your palm facing towards your body, simply close your hand. Giving yourself a visual of your chakra closing down. You can imagine an opened flower in front of your sacral energy center and then command the flower to close down. You are simply choosing to shut down this information temporarily. When you're ready you can re-open it. 

So remember, those gut feelings, those goosebumps you’ve been experiencing, that’s your physical body processing your ability to read the energy of things you encounter. Don’t ignore it. Learn to trust this clair. You might need her one day.

Until next time, I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide.

Have you ever caught movement out of the corner of your eye and it was so vivid that you swear you saw something? But when you looked, nothing was there?  Can you see colors around a person? Are you a serious daydreamer?  Well it’s not ADD, you might just be Clairvoyant! In this post, I'm going to give you some tips on how to strengthen that superpower of yours.

If you haven’t seen my introduction to the clairs video, go watch it here. You'll find that there is more than one Clair, but in this article, I want to concentrate on clairvoyance. When I first learned about this Clair,  I thought, darn it, “I don’t have this superpower at all.” I used to think that clairvoyant only meant I was supposed to "see" things in the physical world -- you know like those fantasy movies where a ghost shows up and starts spewing cool messages to reluctant recipients. The truth is that only a few people can see energy and spirits that way, the majority of us don’t.

Once I understood this, and more importantly, trusted it, I realized just how much I was actually seeing! It was so much easier now to get the messages I was seeking.  With some practice, my psychic superpower took off - like a witch on her broom. (Just kidding we drive sports cars now.)

So what did I do to build this connection? Here are 4 techniques I use to strengthen this psychic superpower of clairvoyance.

Watch My Video About 4 Tips to Develop your Clairvoyant Superpower

Take a moment to watch my video here about 4 Tips to Develop your Clairvoyant Superpower. I share tips as well as my experiences in a short video. (Just in case your get tired of reading 🙂


Number 1 - The Memory Game.

As a mom, I don’t get much alone time. My kids love to play games (as does my husband), so I incorporated my practice with their card games. Remember that memory card game we played as a kid?  The game where you place all of the cards face down, then flip over one at a time, trying to make matches?

This sort of card game is an excellent game to play when you want to become more clairvoyant.  As you are playing, try “seeing” each card in your mind’s eye. Take a moment, breath, concentrate, practice. Don’t be hard on yourself, you may suck in the beginning. Be kind. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Number 2 - Playing with Light.

For this one you get to lay down (you’re welcome). Once you are comfortable, place a clear quartz crystal over your third eye chakra. Breathing deeply, imagine a crystal ball at the centre of your head. Place a candle in the centre of this ball and then light it. (Remember you’re imagining this. You’re not actually lighting a candle on your head.)  Imagine this ball getting brighter and brighter with each breath. Now create a light tube traveling through your 3rd eye, front to back. Visualize another tube of white light running out the top of your head while the other end of the light tube is going through your entire body and out your root chakra. It's like you have an internal white cross pulsing through your body. Now, imagine your third eye opening up and seeing clearly. If you visualize this regularly, you’re putting energy behind your intention to open up your third eye and strengthen your superpower. And besides, you get to lay down for a second. (I keep the door locked so the kids can’t interrupt me.)

Number 3 - Balloons.

This one may seem strange at first, but the purpose is to improve your ability to clearly visualize what you want without your mind or your ego taking over all the time. In this exercise, visualize yourself holding seven balloons, each one a different color of the rainbow. Start with the red balloon and let it go. Watch it float up to the sky until the red balloon disappears, and then release the next one. Do this until all the balloons are gone. It’s not as easy as it sounds, is it? Good visualization takes practice.

Number 4 - Auras.

Practice this one on yourself. Sit in a dimly lit room and take a couple of deep breaths. Set your intention to see your own aura. It's important that you actually believe that this is something you can do. Take your index fingers and push them together. Rub them around together.  Aura is “sticky” so focus on the area between fingers as you continue to gently rub them. After a bit, pull your fingers apart, just a little. Focus intently on the space between your fingers and look for a colored a colored mist, or smoke, between your fingertips. It may not happen right away. Keep practicing and make sure to set your intentions. (Watch a video of me doing this here.)


So those are four exercises I use to strengthen my clairvoyant superpower. During your journey, it’s important to release any fears you may have with this psychic superpower. If there is a frightening image from your youth, you might have turned off your clairvoyant abilities to avoid this unpleasantry. You’ll have to nurture your inner child in order to reclaim your powers. And remember, your psychic superpower is always within you. If you see, or feel something that you don’t like when exploring this realm, then tell it to leave! It has to listen to you. Think of it as a cosmic law. If I see something I don’t like, I command it to leave.

So practice, practice, practice at visualization. This is key to the superpower of clairvoyance. The more often you try, the easier it becomes, but be benevolent with yourself in the early stages. Don’t be critical of your progress. AND trust. For one week, lose the negative talk, lose the doubt, and truly embrace your power. Ask your guides to help. Ask them for signs - everywhere, and then trust the messages you are receiving.

And don’t forget to tell me all about it in the comments below. Until next time, I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide.

Art by Marisa Grieco.

Copyright 2023 Your Mystical Guide
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