Do you have a blocked throat chakra?

Hey guys! Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of the throat chakra—what it is, its gifts, and how to recognize it when it’s blocked. Do you feel as though […]
hello world!
Marisa Grieco
March 18, 2025

Hey guys! Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of the throat chakra—what it is, its gifts, and how to recognize it when it’s blocked. Do you feel as though no one ever seems to hear you? That’s one of the signs that your throat chakra might need some attention.

My Journey with a Blocked Throat Chakra

From a young age, I knew something was off with my ability to speak up. I was that kid in class who desperately wanted to raise my hand and say, “I need help!” but instead, I stayed silent. I told myself I’d figure it out later, even though deep down, I knew I needed support right then and there. As you can imagine, this led to some struggles—failing assignments and getting in trouble all because I couldn’t ask for help.

I thought I’d outgrow this as I got older, but nope. It wasn’t until I started exploring chakras and self-healing that I realized I had a seriously blocked throat chakra. Anytime I had a great idea or belief I was passionate about, I’d feel stuck. My excitement to share with the world would suddenly fizzle out, and self-doubt would creep in. It’s like my authentic voice was trapped.

Looking back, it’s almost funny—after all, I even forgot to create an episode on the throat chakra! My mind was like, “Nope, too painful, let’s avoid that.” But I knew it was time to face those old beliefs and patterns. It was scary and uncomfortable, but I reminded myself that I was on the right path. I had to be kind and patient with myself as I worked through it.

What Is the Throat Chakra?

The throat chakra is the fifth energy center, located—you guessed it—in the throat. When this chakra is in balance, expressing your thoughts, feelings, and ideas comes easily. You can share your beliefs and emotions without hesitation, bringing your personal truth into the world and standing by it. This chakra is also the gateway to your clairaudient abilities—the gift of hearing higher frequencies. I have a whole video on that if you’re curious!

Signs of a Blocked Throat Chakra

So, how do you know if your throat chakra is blocked or out of balance? Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you struggle to express your emotions and beliefs?
  • Are you afraid of being judged or ridiculed when you do share your experiences?
  • Do you often suffer from sore throats, headaches, or earaches?
  • Do people frequently ask you to repeat yourself because they can’t hear you clearly?
  • Are you constantly making excuses not to speak your truth?

If you answered yes to any of these, you might have a blocked throat chakra. But don’t worry; I’ve got some tools and tricks to help you clear and heal this energy center.

Creative Expression with Intention

One of the most effective ways to unblock your throat chakra is through creative expression. Before you start a creative project, set an intention, like “I’m beginning to heal and release any trapped energy in my throat.” Then, dive into something that makes you happy—whether it’s drawing, writing, or painting. The key is to get the energy moving, bringing more light into your body.


Journaling is a fantastic habit that can help clear the throat chakra. My husband actually got me hooked on this—he wrote an entire book by journaling five pages every morning, just letting his thoughts flow. This process helps release heaviness, frustrations, or anything that feels overwhelming. As you write, you move the energy in your throat chakra, reconnecting with your higher self and positive beliefs.

Singing and Mantras

Singing is another powerful way to shift energy blocks in the throat chakra. Whether you’re singing along to your favorite song in the car or in the shower, just get used to hearing your voice more loudly. It’s not about being a perfect singer; it’s about moving energy. If you’re into mantras, try repeating a specific sound associated with the throat chakra, like “hum” or “yum.”

Sound Healing

Sound healing is known for its therapeutic and healing qualities. Specific frequencies, like 741 Hz or 192 Hz, are great for empowering and activating your voice. These sounds can also inspire creativity and help clear your throat chakra. Remember, it’s all about what resonates with you, so pick the frequency that feels right.

Crystals and Exercise

If you’re into crystals, blue gemstones like Lapis, Azurite, or Aquamarine work best for the throat chakra. You can hold them, wear them as jewelry, or keep them in your space as reminders to clear and activate your throat chakra.

Exercise is another excellent way to get the energy moving in your throat chakra. Yoga, Qi Gong, or even simple movements like the cat-cow pose with the lion’s breath can help clear any blockages. As you start to move this energy, you might experience side effects like coughing, tingling in the throat, or even hot and cold flashes. This is just your body adjusting, so drink plenty of water and get some rest.

Tips for Staying in Tune with Your Throat Chakra

One thing I’ve noticed now that my throat chakra is clear is that I can physically feel when someone around me isn’t speaking their truth or has a blocked chakra. My throat will start to close up, almost as if warning me that something is off. Another discovery I’ve made is that even when I’m writing if I make an error or something feels off, my throat will tighten up as if it’s shutting down. This sensation has taught me to slow down and check in with myself to see what’s not aligning. This simple trick has saved me more than a few times.

That’s the amazing thing about our energy centers—they’re always on our side, helping us gain insights before our logical mind even figures out that something is amiss.


These are just a few suggestions to help you start moving the energy in your throat chakra. Love your voice, let it be heard, and be kind to yourself. If you’d like more information, you can download worksheets and listen to guided meditations on my website. Until next time, I’m Marisa Grieco, your mystical guide.

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About the Author:

Marisa Grieco is the creator of Your Mystical Guide and host of a popular Youtube show about energy healing, mindfulness, and the path to a better life. Her work focuses on identifying and releasing old programs that prevent us from reaching our true potential
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