Do You Have These Psychic Superpowers?

As you know, I'm always talking about our psychic superpowers in this blog, we’re diving into the fascinating world of the Claires. No, not chocolate eclairs (though those are delicious […]
hello world!
Marisa Grieco
September 15, 2024

As you know, I'm always talking about our psychic superpowers in this blog, we’re diving into the fascinating world of the Claires. No, not chocolate eclairs (though those are delicious too), but the Claires—the language of the mystic realms. You might already be speaking this mystical language without even realizing it!

What Are the Claires?

You’ve probably heard the word clairvoyant before. It comes from the French word clair, meaning "clear," and voyant, meaning "seeing." But did you know that clairvoyance is just one of many Claires? There’s also claircognizance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairgustance, and clairalience. These Claires are different ways of tapping into other dimensions, and some believe they’re your direct line to spirit guides, angels, or even Source.

Let’s explore these psychic senses and see if you recognize any of them in yourself.

Clairvoyance: Clear Vision

Clairvoyance, or "clear vision," allows you to see beyond the physical realm, often through your third eye. This might manifest as seeing images, symbols, or even glimpses of things out of the corner of your eye. Have you ever seen something and turned to look, only for it to disappear? That could be your clairvoyance at work.

But clairvoyance isn’t just about external visions; it also involves inner sight. You might experience flashes of images or symbols within your mind. It’s like having a personal movie screen inside your head that shows you glimpses of information or events.

Claircognizance: Clear Knowing

Claircognizance, or "clear knowing," is when knowledge just comes to you without any logical explanation. You might suddenly have an answer, insight, or understanding, almost as if it’s been downloaded into your mind. It’s that gut feeling or sudden certainty that you can’t quite explain.

I’ll admit, this one has gotten me into trouble more than once. Like the time I blurted out a secret my friend hadn’t told me yet, right in front of her boyfriend. Chaos ensued, but hey, that’s the power of claircognizance!

Clairaudience: Clear Hearing

Clairaudience, or "clear hearing," is the ability to hear messages that might come as whispers or thoughts in your own voice. Sometimes, it feels like someone’s talking just outside your ear, or you might hear ringing or buzzing sounds. In my family, if your ears started ringing or got warm, it meant someone was talking about you. Little did I know, it might have been the universe trying to reach out!

Clairsentience: Clear Feeling

Clairsentience, or "clear feeling," comes through emotions or physical sensations. This could be that gut feeling that something isn’t right or the ability to sense when someone is lying. It’s like an emotional radar that picks up on vibes and energies around you.

For example, I often get a strong urge to call a friend or family member out of the blue, usually because I sense they’re in a bad mood. They might not appreciate a 4 a.m. call, but more often than not, I’m right!

Clairgustance: Clear Tasting

Clairgustance, or "clear tasting," is the ability to taste something without actually eating it. This one’s rare, but if you’ve ever suddenly tasted something familiar without having it in your mouth, you might be experiencing clairgustance. Personally, I’ve never had this experience, but if my spirit guides are listening, I’d love to taste some pizza!

Clairalience: Clear Smelling

Clairalience, or "clear smelling," is when you detect scents that aren’t physically present. Imagine thinking about a loved one and suddenly smelling their favorite perfume or the scent of their cigarettes. It’s their way of saying, "I’m here with you." I often experience this with my father-in-law, who loved to make his presence known through certain smells.

Embrace Your Psychic Superpowers

Each of these Claires is unique and powerful in its own way. Instead of worrying about which ones you have or don’t have, start by becoming aware of how you’ve been communicating with other dimensions all along. Pay attention to your expressions—if you often say things like, “I knew she was going to say that” or “That place feels heavy,” you might already be using claircognizance or clairsentience without realizing it.

In upcoming blogs, I’ll dive deeper into each of these psychic abilities with exercises to help you strengthen them. We’ll also explore the important topic of discernment—how to distinguish between messages from your spirit guides and your own thoughts. It might be tricky at first, but with practice, it’ll become second nature.

Until then, keep tuning in to your psychic superpowers. I’m Marisa Greco, your mystical guide, and together, we’re going to unlock the full potential of your intuitive abilities.

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About the Author:

Marisa Grieco is the creator of Your Mystical Guide and host of a popular Youtube show about energy healing, mindfulness, and the path to a better life. Her work focuses on identifying and releasing old programs that prevent us from reaching our true potential
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