What to Do Before A Tarot Card Reading

Learn how to set yourself energetically before starting a tarot card reading.
hello world!
Marisa Grieco
November 24, 2021

Tarot cards, Oracle cards, Fairy cards, Healing cards, Playing cards, whichever type of cards you want to play with, it’s essential for you first to learn how to prepare yourself energetically before your reading.

This practice will give you such a strong foundation and head-start in this fantastic field. In this episode, I will share some powerful tips to get you started to gain the confidence you need.

Years and years ago, when I first started playing around with tarot cards, I was drawn in by the art. If the deck had incredible images, I wanted it!! I didn't even know if I was going to use the deck -- I was simply inspired. And before I knew it, I had filled my shelves with all sorts of tarot decks.

But what I found interesting was that I lacked trust in using these divination tools.

It didn’t matter how many decks I pulled out that told me the exact same message over and over again - I just didn’t believe it. I constantly doubted myself. And when I did a reading for a friend, I felt shy and insecure about sharing the download I was getting. I wasn’t sure if the messages were my mind, from my ego, or just my thoughts giving this advice. I was overwhelmed.

tarot cards -divination tools

In this post, I will share some tips and tricks to get you ready to perform a tarot reading, so you don’t have to experience what I did. This way, you can start to get out of your own way. Once you begin to get this practice down, it will give you the confidence to trust yourself and your process.

Also, if you are interested in a step-by-step guide to teach you tarot card reading, I created a detailed course for my mystical members.  In the course videos, I lay out all the steps that are easy for you to follow. Because if you are anything like me, I like bite sizes. Just spoon-feed me, please! You can go at your own pace or dart around to the different sections that excite you. I broke down each card’s meaning and created printable worksheets for you too! I also have diagrams with step-by-step instructions on how to layout the cards. 

I’m talking step by step here!

Soon you’ll have the confidence to start reading and trusting your process. I’m also going to do live workshops with my members so that you can practice in a safe, loving environment, with like-minded people, because we all need our peeps!

Now, I do have to warn you -- this work will ignite your other gifts -- your superpowers, your clairs, even your healing skills are going to get stronger. All right, I’m getting a little too excited again.

Let’s get back to getting you ready to read tarot cards. Here are a few tips.

How to Prepare for a Tarot Card Reading

Don't want to read an entire blog post? Watch this video to learn how to prepare yourself before you start using Tarot Cards for yourself or your friends.

Tip # 1: Find a sacred space

First, you're going to want to find a time and a place where you can practice these techniques with no one up in your grill. Cause once you tap into this incredible high frequency, you're going to be a magnet, especially if you have kids.

On a side note, if you do have kids, and they are going to be around. All I have to say is, “Hey guys! I’m gonna be up in the laundry room if you need me. Come on up and help me fold clothes if you’re not busy.” 

( OK, that tip, that’s bonus material. You’re welcome.)

Tip #2: Use your Intention

Let the universe know that you want to do a reading. This not only helps you to create the space, but it also helps you to access your mystical side. With your intention set, you are making it clear to your DNA, to your body, to your mind, and your spirit that you are shifting gears.

Tip #3: Externals

You can also use one of my favorite acting tools: externals. Externals are a simple tool that helps you to shift your “leading centers” so that you begin to move in new ways. Leading Centers are those parts of your body that you use to first engage with your environment.  Externals are a fun one to play around with. To make it simple, become aware of what part of your body crosses an imaginary line first. For example, when you walk, is it your forehead, your knees, or your hips? Once you know, then try something new. It will help you to bring in a new energy. Then ask yourself, “how does this new part of you sit?” Next, try sitting in a particular position that elicits this part of you. Then use the same position every time you read, you’re letting your body learn when I sit here, or in this position, I allow this new energy to come through and do my readings.

Tip #4 Be kind to yourself

Listen to that voice that you use when you're uplifting and supporting your friends. Let yourself know that you are doing a great job! And that you are worthy of this high-frequency vibration that is full of knowledge and love! 

Tip #5 Meditate

Meditation is a wonderful tool to help access this energy and clear your mind of crappy thoughts. If you want some help, I have plenty on my website, from guided meditations to sound frequencies. Again, do what resonates with you.

Tip #6: Preparation … not the cream…

Give yourself at least 25 minutes to prepare your energy field before a reading.

I suggest grounding, then centering yourself. You’re getting the energy flowing in all your chakras, especially your heart and third eye. Last but not least, surround yourself with white light. You can use a Mantra, thanking your guides for helping you to open up and connect to this incredible frequency. If you need help, you can watch my other videos or go to my website.

Join the Mystical Circle with Marisa Grieco
Join the Mystical Circle with Marisa Grieco

Tip #7: Get your clairvoyant juices moving.

This is where you want to create a reading screen for yourself. I like to tap into my Alta Major chakra, which is at the back of your head at the base of your skull, as well as my third eye for this tip. 

Just writing about it, I can feel the back of my head tingling, and this time it’s not because I left my vibrator under my pillow.

So first, I create a screen at the back of my brain, like a mini tv.  Then I bring energy into my screen and ground it. It’s like you're plugging it in. Now I’ve created a space where I can see my downloads. Again, it’s like I’m watching tv.

Tip #8: Boundaries

It’s essential to set your boundaries before a tarot reading so you know where your energy ends and where your client’s energy begins. Sometimes even before I shuffle the cards, I will start to get downloads of information. Then when I see the cards, it all makes sense.

So I hope that these tips can help you gain the confidence you need to trust your process. And if you would like to have me guide you through this process, become a member today and join my mystical circle. You won’t regret it!

Remember, you're not your body

You're not your thoughts

You are light

Until next time,

I’m Marisa Grieco, Your Mystical Guide.

Become a Member Here

About the Author:

Marisa Grieco is the creator of Your Mystical Guide and host of a popular Youtube show about energy healing, mindfulness, and the path to a better life. Her work focuses on identifying and releasing old programs that prevent us from reaching our true potential
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