What Exactly is Channeling?

Let’s talk about channeling. For me, I realized I had begun channeling years ago when I was working with a friend. Understand that channeling is not that thing you see […]
hello world!
Marisa Grieco
November 9, 2021

Let’s talk about channeling.

For me, I realized I had begun channeling years ago when I was working with a friend. Understand that channeling is not that thing you see in the movies where someone gets possessed by an entity and starts climbing the walls. Believe me, I’ve tried.

It’s not like that at all.

For me, when a friend and I were discussing a problem that he or she had, I would pause, take a deep breath, release any tension, and then I would begin sharing what I was thinking about their issue.

I thought it was all me.

My energy was calm and caring, but the minute they interrupted me and started talking, I would suddenly come out of my trance. The weird part was, I couldn't repeat what I had just told my friend. It was like I forgot what I had said.

That was always awkward for me. I used to think,

“How can I forget something so fast?”

“What’s wrong with me?” 

But now, after all this work, I realize that the information came through me for my friend. The message wasn’t meant for me, that’s why I couldn’t remember it. 

I believe this is where the saying, “just get out of your own way” comes into play. Not that I had a choice. I don’t let my logical mind fight it. I set my ego aside and channel the information. Whether it’s your higher self coming through, or a spiritual guide, or angel, or whatever you want to label it; don't have it go through the logical limited mind and just open up the floodgates to let the good come through.

When we are open like this, we can download such amazing information.

But how do you know if it’s your logical mind or something else?

This is where discernment comes in. You may want to unlock this superpower so badly, but you have to be honest with yourself and know when your ego is talking.

One way that I can tell when my advice is coming from my limited mind, or my ego, is when the information gets filtered through all my old programs. Or, the information feels bumpy, forced, and slow. It kind of feels like it’s not coming from a clear place.

For example, if you have a friend that wants relationship advice but she goes to a friend that is constantly in bad relationships, then the advice she receives will be very different from someone that has been in a long-term, loving relationship. In fact, both friends, if they don’t step aside from their ego, can taint the information as they filter it through their own experiences.

As with everything I do on this site and my channel, it’s all about gaining awareness. Awareness of what you're already doing but may not understand it. With this awareness, you can start to own and use your own gifts. There is nothing to fear here, we’re just turning the lights on. 

So what the heck is channeling?

The art of channeling has been used since ancient times. There are stories of shamans, witches, oracles, connecting to higher levels of energy.  But really, anyone can channel, and I’m going to show you how.

Channeling is about opening yourself, your mind, and your heart up to higher levels of energy to let it convey through you.

How to Start Channeling

Before you start channeling, let me share how I discovered what channeling truly is and some tips that helped me get better at it.

Watch the video instead of reading the blog if you like!

It’s not to be confused with mediumship. With mediumship, you’re acting as more of a translator and you often don’t let them take over your body. It’s more like you're an interpreter - whereas when you’re channeling, you’re allowing an energetic being to take over your body. It’s kind of like you move to the side and let them take center stage.

Remember, it’s your body so you are always in charge of who can come in and how long they can stay. 

Some of these beings can be spirits, angels, archangels, even a guide. Now, discernment is important once again. So, if it doesn't feel good to you, you don’t have to let it in. Just like you wouldn’t let a creepy stranger into your house, you don’t have to let them in your body. The power is always within you.

Channeling. This is not a sex-ed class.

  • Step 1: To prepare yourself, you must begin with meditation. Meditation will calm and quiet your mind, clear your head, and begin to raise your frequency.
  • Step 2: You’ll want to focus on your purpose. Do you need guidance? Are you channeling spirits? Or angels? Open your mind to receive information, but remember to be patient. 
  • Step 3: Allow your consciousness to move slightly to the side so you can make room for this new energy. You may feel the light and love from channeling on your first try, or it may take many tries. You may hear words, see images, or you may simply “know”, without even knowing how you “know”. It depends on which of your Clairs are the strongest. This will determine how you’ll experience channeling. 

Slowly raise your frequency and meet with the vibrations of the spirit, angel, or whichever higher being that you sense. When that link is made, you may try channeling! 

Easy, huh? 😉

Wait there’s more.

You might allow this being to speak through you or you may convey what you are witnessing. You might experience automatic writing or drawing. Maybe this being wants to play an instrument or dance. It really depends on what you're comfortable with.

The cool thing for me is that I get to experience something new. It’s like looking at life with a new pair of glasses on, helping to take you out of that automatic one way of being.

  • Step 4: You’ll want to remain in your meditative state when you channel because you want to focus and keep your mind clear of any negative thoughts. This will help keep away lower frequency beings. If you sense any kind of fear or unease in your channeling, just stop communication. Allow yourself to focus again, and raise your own frequencies back up! You can do this by feeling grateful and abundant for all you have. Now a negative energy can be sneaky, and try to slip in, but you can keep it out! You’re not stuck with what you get. It can also be one of your personalities. If you like you can also just observe this self. Notice how it feels. Don’t get attached to what it's saying. It's more like you're watching the energy. The great thing is we're learning, and experiencing in new ways.  Remember you can choose which higher being to channel. This is why it’s so important at the start to meditate and focus, to get your frequencies up before you try doing this. You're a magnet!

Next is Trance channeling, but I’ll save that for another blog and video for my mystical members. IF you want to dive deeper into this them become a member, you won’t regret it. I guarantee it!

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So these are just some suggestions to get you started with channeling. It’s exactly how I did it. 

Remember, to be patient with yourself and have fun. You want to keep your energy bright and light. You may actually learn that you’ve been channeling energies all along. Whether that’s while you're at work, or in difficult situations, coming up with ideas, maybe creativity just flows through you, like writing music. Again, there is nothing to fear. You're just waking up to what’s already happening, and giving you the awareness to say no to a lower frequency.

And remember, you are not your body, you are not your emotions, you are light!

Until next time,

I’m Marisa Grieco Your Mystical Guide

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About the Author:

Marisa Grieco is the creator of Your Mystical Guide and host of a popular Youtube show about energy healing, mindfulness, and the path to a better life. Her work focuses on identifying and releasing old programs that prevent us from reaching our true potential
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